(i must get my "brain" spelling correct¬ to spell it as my kor,brian.Hhahaahahah!)
im having some plans to *urhmm* someone&this has caused me to lose thousands of brain cells.Thanks alot,you dumbass-idiotic-freakinglishly-big GERM!Tsk.im not the only one that lost so many brain cells...But as long as it can make that person *urhmm*,i wont mind losing my brain cells,but not all of it!
We have one idea in mind,thats the best we can think of.Gonna use the idea on Monday.hopefully,i cant think of a better plan.
gotta run,to finish my homework~Page 81 DEC book&Literature Portfolio.The literature portfolio,is freakinglishlydihssnly hard to do.im seriously lost.Help me somebody..or i'll fail my god damn literature.
i miss you,Cherie
i miss you,Vanessa
i miss you,LiJun
i miss you,Naomi
i miss you,Reena
i miss you,Seraphina
i miss you,Valerine
i miss you,KhaiTing
i miss you,Trisha
i miss you,Geraldine
i miss you,Sheryl
i miss you,Chemane
&all the Ex-6Loverians of Class 2008...
ILOVEYOUGUYS(even though~some caan be real bitches at times..&those who know me well enough,you should know who that god damn BITCH in 6love is.)
Sometimes,i just wish i could turn the clock back in time&treasure my friends even more.Yet,i want to keep such wonderful friends i met in my secondary school life.How great life would be,if things were like that.
can i consider myself,enjoying life?
Saturday, 28 March 2009
I'm into quizzes, yeah ;D
Q1: What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A1: NeoPrint of Vanessa,Cherie&KhaiTing(:
Q2: How many televisions have you in your house?
A2: Three.
Q3: Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A3: Right.
Q4: Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A4: Er,Teeth?
Q5: What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A5: My bag.Hahah!
Q6: Have you ever been knocked out?
A6: Nope.
Q7: If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A7: Yes.
Q8: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A8: I wont change it.i'll stick to Anne-Marie(pronounced together,please.)So stop calling me ANNE!Tsk.
Q9: What colour do you think looks best on you?
A9: Black or White.Heheh.
Q10: Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
A10: Yes.Paper(: ~ as far as i remembered,it was in p2:B
Q11: Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200 000?
A11: No.Never.
Q12: Would you never blog again for $50 000?
A12: Er,maybe not.Depends?
Q13: Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A13: Maybe.
Q14: Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1 000 000?
A14: According to the Ten Commandments, we shall not murder.
Q15: What is in your left pocket?
A15: Nothing.
Q16: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A16: Heh?i've never heard of it before:B
Q17: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A17: Yes.
Q18: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A18: Stand.
Q19: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A19: Aplenty.too many to count.
Q20: Last person who texted you?
A20: Darrel.
Q21: Last person who called you?
A21: Janet.
Q22: Last person you hugged?
A22: Vanessa&Cherie
Q23: Number?
Q24: Season?
A24:Winter.I experienced it only once.Tsk.
Q:25 Colour?
A25: Red,Black,White,Hot pink(:
Q26: Missing someone?
A26: Yes. ~ Ex-IJOLQPians,you rock!
Q27: Mood?
A27: Bored.
Q28: Listening to?
A28: Inconsolable by the Backstreet boys ;D
Q29: Watching?
A29: Some show on AXN.
Q30: Worrying about?
A30: Nothing?
A31: Little Miss Sunshine Tee&FBTs
Q32: First place you went to this morning?
A32: i havent got out since.
Q33: What can you wait not to do?
A33: Go back to school.
Q34: Do you smile often?
A34: Yes.Every Second.(other than the times Sam irritate me.)
Q35: Are you a friendly person?
A35: Maybe?Depends on my mood.
Tag 8 people,after finishing this quiz:
#1 ~ Janet.
#2 ~ Brian
#3 ~ Cherie
#4 ~ LiJun
#5 ~ Naomi
#6 ~ Lareyna
#7 ~ Si Xuan
#8 ~ Anyone,Anybody who wants to do this quiz.
Q1: What is your wallpaper on your computer?
A1: NeoPrint of Vanessa,Cherie&KhaiTing(:
Q2: How many televisions have you in your house?
A2: Three.
Q3: Are you right-handed or left-handed?
A3: Right.
Q4: Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
A4: Er,Teeth?
Q5: What is the last heavy item you lifted?
A5: My bag.Hahah!
Q6: Have you ever been knocked out?
A6: Nope.
Q7: If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
A7: Yes.
Q8: If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
A8: I wont change it.i'll stick to Anne-Marie(pronounced together,please.)So stop calling me ANNE!Tsk.
Q9: What colour do you think looks best on you?
A9: Black or White.Heheh.
Q10: Have you ever swallowed a non-food item?
A10: Yes.Paper(: ~ as far as i remembered,it was in p2:B
Q11: Would you allow one of your little fingers to be cut off for $200 000?
A11: No.Never.
Q12: Would you never blog again for $50 000?
A12: Er,maybe not.Depends?
Q13: Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for $1000?
A13: Maybe.
Q14: Would you, without fear of punishment, take a human life for $1 000 000?
A14: According to the Ten Commandments, we shall not murder.
Q15: What is in your left pocket?
A15: Nothing.
Q16: Is Napoleon Dynamite actually a good movie?
A16: Heh?i've never heard of it before:B
Q17: Do you have hardwood or carpet in your house?
A17: Yes.
Q18: Do you sit or stand in the shower?
A18: Stand.
Q19: How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
A19: Aplenty.too many to count.
Q20: Last person who texted you?
A20: Darrel.
Q21: Last person who called you?
A21: Janet.
Q22: Last person you hugged?
A22: Vanessa&Cherie
Q23: Number?
Q24: Season?
A24:Winter.I experienced it only once.Tsk.
Q:25 Colour?
A25: Red,Black,White,Hot pink(:
Q26: Missing someone?
A26: Yes. ~ Ex-IJOLQPians,you rock!
Q27: Mood?
A27: Bored.
Q28: Listening to?
A28: Inconsolable by the Backstreet boys ;D
Q29: Watching?
A29: Some show on AXN.
Q30: Worrying about?
A30: Nothing?
A31: Little Miss Sunshine Tee&FBTs
Q32: First place you went to this morning?
A32: i havent got out since.
Q33: What can you wait not to do?
A33: Go back to school.
Q34: Do you smile often?
A34: Yes.Every Second.(other than the times Sam irritate me.)
Q35: Are you a friendly person?
A35: Maybe?Depends on my mood.
Tag 8 people,after finishing this quiz:
#1 ~ Janet.
#2 ~ Brian
#3 ~ Cherie
#4 ~ LiJun
#5 ~ Naomi
#6 ~ Lareyna
#7 ~ Si Xuan
#8 ~ Anyone,Anybody who wants to do this quiz.
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Quiz ;D
Another Quiz i copied from LiJun's blog:B
[x] broken a promise
[x] made a new friend
[x] fell in love
[ ] fell out of love
[ ] done something you swore not to do
[x] lied
[ ] stole
[ ] went behind your parents back
[ ] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hidden a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] got arrested
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] gotten in a fight
[ ] kept your new year's resolution
[x] forgotten your new year's resolution
[x] met someone who changed your life
[ ] met one of your idols
[ ] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[ ] left the country
[ ] almost died
[ ] drank yourself retarded
[ ] lost someone close to you
[x] been to the hospital
[x] gotten closer to someone
[ ] streaked
[ ] cried over someone
[ ] broken up with a gf or bf
[ ] given up something important to you
[x] talked on the phone all night
[x] learned something new about yourself
[ ] try something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[ ] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[ ] made a total fool out of yourself
[x] met great people
Total: 16/30
Once you're done,Tag 8 People.
[x] broken a promise
[x] made a new friend
[x] fell in love
[ ] fell out of love
[ ] done something you swore not to do
[x] lied
[ ] stole
[ ] went behind your parents back
[ ] cried over a broken heart
[x] disappointed someone close
[x] hidden a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[ ] got arrested
[ ] kissed in the rain
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] gotten in a fight
[ ] kept your new year's resolution
[x] forgotten your new year's resolution
[x] met someone who changed your life
[ ] met one of your idols
[ ] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[ ] pretended to be sick
[ ] left the country
[ ] almost died
[ ] drank yourself retarded
[ ] lost someone close to you
[x] been to the hospital
[x] gotten closer to someone
[ ] streaked
[ ] cried over someone
[ ] broken up with a gf or bf
[ ] given up something important to you
[x] talked on the phone all night
[x] learned something new about yourself
[ ] try something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[ ] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[ ] made a total fool out of yourself
[x] met great people
Total: 16/30
Once you're done,Tag 8 People.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
ohmygod.I can't believe i did this quiz
200 Question Quiz,JANET tagged me to do♥
(My fingers are gonna blister:P)
1. Do you have secrets ? Of Course.Who Dont?
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl who is younger/older then you? Older or the Same age(:
3. Do you enjoy going to school ? Yes.ILOVESCHOOL♥
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ? Er,when i get that then see how:P
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend ? Depends.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?Being Loved♥
7. List out any of your most favourite bands: Jonas Brothers♥i love nick jonas(:
8. What is your favourite food ? Er,i dont know:B
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? Yes.
10. What makes you angry? Retards&Childish idiots.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ? A shopaholic(:
12. Who is currently the most important people to you ? Family&Friends(:
13. What are the most important things in life ? Myself.
14. Single or attached ? Single,Obviously.
15. What are your favourite colours? Black,White,HotPink,Red(:
16. Would you give your all in a relationship ? Er,ill try?
17. If you are in love with 2 people simultaneously , who would you pick ? The Obviously better one(:
18. Would you forgive & forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done ? i'll try my best.
19. What do you really want now ? Nothing for the moment.
20. What type of people you hate the most ? irritating,childish idiots,cry-babys,action kias.
21. Who is your best friend ?Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Cherie,Vanessa,Naomi,LiJun,Reena♥
22. What drink do you like most ? F&NGrape.
23. Who are your best friend ? (in case you havent noticed,look at Q21.)
24. How good are them to you? Everything you can ever think of(:
25. What did they do to you then you will be cheerful ? I dont know.
26. Do you have a stead ?No,Obviously!Tsk.
27. What makes you love him/her ? (Look at Q26. IDONTHAVEASTEAD!!)
28. What are the most horrible things to you in you life ? Vegetables&The dark.
29. Who do you hate most in your heart forever & forever ? No one.I learn to forgive&forget.
30. What things will make you angry ? (in case you haven't notice again,look back at Q10.)
31. Who is most important in your life ? (in case you haven't noticed AGAIN,look back at Q12.)
32. What will you do if you have nothing ? Depends.
33. Who do you love most ? Gan-Mei's&Kors,Family♥
34. Who sleeps with you every night ? My Bolstie,Blanket&Piglet♥
35. Do you miss someone everyday that you cant sleep ?Yes,i do miss someone.But not until i cant sleep.Hahahahah(:
36. Which teacher you hate most ? None.
37. Did any teacher help you before ?Yes,Of course.
38. If you have many money till you cannot spend what will you do ? Sure can spend one lah..if really cant..give charity.
39. Kill/fight is the coolest thing ?No.Being yourself,is the coolest thing.
40. What do you expect to be tomorrow?Er,i dont know.Just tomorrow.
41. Who do you feel worried for in the world ? No One.
42. What do you want the most ? Nothing.
43. Do you love someone who have moles ?Everyone has at least a mole what?!
44. You want someone to love you or you love someone ? Someone to love me♥
45. Have you ever experience true love ?Nope.But i hope to(:
46. Which type of person do you hate the most?(Go back&see what i've written)
47. Is there anyone that you care about more than yourself? Er,i dont know.
48. Who is the best person to cheer you up ? My GanMei's,Kor's&Jie's(:
49. Who can you trust?My GanMei's,Kor's,Jie's&Family.
50. What are you wearing now ? Outfitter Tee&FBTs
51. Do you want someone to be your's now ?Er,what do you think?
52. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you ?Er,yes?
53. What time is it right now ?22nd March 2009,1415,Sunday♥
54. Do you go for looks ?Yes.Looks&Personality Matters most.
55. Whats the first letter of the person you like ? Obvious.Its a D.
56. Why you like the person you like? He knows the reason already.Not a need to say it here.
57. Would you stay overnight at his/her house?No,of course not!
58. Would you tell him/her everything about yourself?No.Not at the moment.
59. Who is the person who tagged you ?My Gan-Mei,Janet.
60. How are you feeling right now ? Sian.
61. Are you missing anyone ?Yes.
62. What you wish to have most now ? Happiness(:
63. What do you wish to do now ?Meet My Gan-Mei's,Kor's.
64. Would you call him/her now ?Er,No.?Whatever for?
65. Would you do anything with the person you love ?Er,no?Or rather,its depends.
66. Anyone always in your mind ?Yes.My Gan-Mei's&Kor's.
67. If today was the last day of your life what would you do ? Celebrate&Use up all my energy.
68. What is your goal for this year ? Go express(:
69. What feeling do you love most ? Heh?What feeling?
70. You like doing quizzes ? Yes,but not
71. Who cares for you the most ? My Gan Mei's,Kors,Jie's&Family.
72. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ? (i said it before,scroll up to see..)
73. What are th worst idea you've had this week ? Confiscated Handphone?
74. What were you doing last night at 11pm ? MSNing,SMSing.
75. Do you have a crush on someone ? Yeah,Duh.
76. Who was the last person to lie in your bed ? Me?Who else?
77. Last time you smiled ? A second ago. I smile every second.
78. Hows your mood now ?Happy♥
79. Are you always high ? Most of the time.
80. Last night, did you go to sleep happily ?No,not really.
81. When was the last time you changed your clothes in front of someone ? Long,long time ago.
82. Anyone told you a secret this week ? Forget liao lah..
83. Did you have a good day yesterday ? Yes.
84. What was the highlight of today ? Stay at home,alone.
86. What happened at 3.00am today ?Er,i was sleeping,soundly?
87. When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend ? Heh?Number 1 friend?
88. Do you hate anyone ?No.
89. Do they know who they are ?Know who?
90. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter ?Bread?.
91. When did you last cry ? 23rd October 2008.Graduation Day.
92. Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor ?No.im not that clumsy.
93. Do you have a good relationship with your mother ? Yeah,quite.
94. When was the last time you bought something ? Yesterday.
95. Have you ever told someone you love them ?Of course.All my IJ-Sisters♥
96. Do you continue fighting in an argument even tho you know you're wrong ?Sometimes.
97. Where are you yesterday ? Singapore Expo&Home.
98. Is there anyone that calls you baby ?No.
99. In the next 2 months what are looking forward to most ? Nothing.
101. Who did you last called ? Janet.
102. What are you thinking of right now ? Gan-Mei's,Kor's&Jie.
103. When and where was the last time you partied ? Last Sunday.
104. Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online ?Yes.
105. When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry ? Every School day.
106. Did you tell someone something today ?Yeah.
107. Do you make-up ?Nope.
108. Do you like dressing up ?Sometimes.
109. Have you ever considered a sex change ?No.
110. What will you buy next ?Not Sure.
111. Have any crazy family members ?No.
112. Are you bored ?Yes.Damn sian,can?
113. What's on your mind right now ?Er,Many complex stuff.
114. What are you wearing ?Outfitter shirts&FBTs.
115. Any plans for today ?Nope.Im free.
116. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? Best Freinds,Gan Mei-Jie relationship♥
117. What's your favourite Gatorade flavour ?Grape?
118. What's the nicest text in your inbox says ?Dontknow.
119. What's beside you right now ? Handphone.
120. Where do you want to be right now ?School.i aint a bookworm,i just wanna hang out with my Gans...
121. What is it that you find so hard to forget ?Something.
122. What's your name ? Anne-Marie♥
123. Male/Female ?Female.
124. Your birthday ? 25th February 1996(:
125. Country you're from ?Singapore.
126. Do you have a boyfriend ?No,i dont.
127. Can you describe how you look like ? No,i cant.i got bad description skills.
128. What are you doing now ?Doing this quiz,MSNing,SMSing,Watching TV.
129. What are you wearing now ? Outfitter Tee&FBTs.
130. Whose your best friend ? Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Cherie,Vanessa,LiJun,Naomi,Reena♥
131. Do you love yourself ?Yes.
132. What are you listening right now ? Our Song,Taylor Swift.
133. Are you hoping for something ?Yes.
134. What you adores the most ? A sense of humour?
135. How many family members do you have ?9,includes me.
136. Who are they ?Gan Mei's(Janet&Vanessa),Gan Kor's(Darrel&Brian),Gan Jie's(Nichole&Cherie),Daddy,Mummy&Me.
137. Who you love the most in your family ? My GanMei's,Kor's&Jie's.
138. Does this person love you ? Obviously!!They are my GANS,okay!!!
139. Describe this person ? Undescribable.
140. If you lose someone if your family, what will you do ?Cry?
141. If someone insult your family, what would you do ? Insult back.Heh.
142. Are there someone you hate in your family ?No.
143. Are you crushing or currently steading with someone ?Crushing-Yes,Steading-No.
144. If you do, what's his/her name ? Who do you think the person is?~.~"
145. How old is he/she ? 13.
146. What school is he/she in ? BPGHS.
147. Do you both meet before ? Yes.
148. Can you describe how he/she look like ? No,i got bad description skills.
149. How much do you love him/her ? As much as i think it is.
150. If you're single, would you love someone else instead of him/her ?No?
151. Do you hope he/she loves you too ?Of course,Silly!
152. Will you consider being with him/her for your future ?Er,i dont know.
153. If he/she ask you for sex, would you want ?NO! of course.
154. What did you last drank/eaten ?Wanton Mee.
155. Who did you last texted ? Darrel.
156. Whose the last to comment you in friendster ? i got no Friendster.
157. Whose the last person you chat with ?Janet.
158. When did you last see your best friend ?Last Thursday.
159. Who do you last kissed with ? My Piglet Plush♥ILOVEYOU,PIGLET!
160. What does your last text says ?161. *Private*
Who did you last hang out with ?Dad.
162. When did you last see your stead/crush ? No stead,Just Crush.Last thursday.
163. Where did you last went to ? Singapore Expo.
164. Who did you last met ? Dad?
165. When did you really laugh out loud ?Just now.After watching Phineas&Ferb.
166. What show/movie did you last watch ? Mr.Bean,The animated series.
167. Who did you last spend your happiest moment with ?Daddy.
168. How many besties do you have ? Er,7?
169. Who are they ? Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Cherie,Vanessa&Nichole Jie
170. Do all your besties know each other ?No.
171. Who do you spend the most time with ?Family?
172. Who do you spend the lesser time with ?My Darlings from IJ♥.
173. Do you love any of them ?Yes.
174. Do you enjoy every seconds with them ?Yes.
175. Do you think they enjoy being with you ?I think so..
176. Did you lied to them before ?No,i dont think so.
177. Does all of them have friendster ?No.
178. How about msn ?Of Course.
.179. Do you talk to them often ?Yes.
180. Taken or single ?Single,Obviously!!
181. Do you like it ?Like What?
182. Would you still kiss your ex ?I've got no EX-es.
183. Have you ever had your heart broken ?Nope.
184. Do you believe that cheating is bad ?Yes..
185. Are you missing some one special right now ?Yes.
186. Do you want children ?Yes.
187. If yes, how many ? Two.
188. Would you consider adoption ?LOL.Maybe?
189. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you ?Yes.Please.
190. Do you believe in celebrating an anniversary ?Er,Yes?
191. Do you get butterflies when you're around your crush ?Depends.
192. Do any of your ex still have feelings for you ?I have no Ex-es..
193. Have you slept at a boyfriend house ?Nope,i have no Boyfriend/EX-es.
194. Who would you spend the most time of your life with ?Family.
195. Does anyone know your password to your friendster beside yourself ?No.i hvae no friendster:B
196. Are you an emotional person ?Yeah,sometimes.
197. Have you ever lost a friendship over something stupid?No.
198. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex ? Not sure.
199. Are you afraid of pain ?What kinda pain?
200. If you're unhappy, what will you do ?Im seldom UNHAPPY.
5 people i tag to do this quiz :
(My fingers are gonna blister:P)
1. Do you have secrets ? Of Course.Who Dont?
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl who is younger/older then you? Older or the Same age(:
3. Do you enjoy going to school ? Yes.ILOVESCHOOL♥
4. What would you do with a billion dollars ? Er,when i get that then see how:P
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend ? Depends.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?Being Loved♥
7. List out any of your most favourite bands: Jonas Brothers♥i love nick jonas(:
8. What is your favourite food ? Er,i dont know:B
9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy? Yes.
10. What makes you angry? Retards&Childish idiots.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time ? A shopaholic(:
12. Who is currently the most important people to you ? Family&Friends(:
13. What are the most important things in life ? Myself.
14. Single or attached ? Single,Obviously.
15. What are your favourite colours? Black,White,HotPink,Red(:
16. Would you give your all in a relationship ? Er,ill try?
17. If you are in love with 2 people simultaneously , who would you pick ? The Obviously better one(:
18. Would you forgive & forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done ? i'll try my best.
19. What do you really want now ? Nothing for the moment.
20. What type of people you hate the most ? irritating,childish idiots,cry-babys,action kias.
21. Who is your best friend ?Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Cherie,Vanessa,Naomi,LiJun,Reena♥
22. What drink do you like most ? F&NGrape.
23. Who are your best friend ? (in case you havent noticed,look at Q21.)
24. How good are them to you? Everything you can ever think of(:
25. What did they do to you then you will be cheerful ? I dont know.
26. Do you have a stead ?No,Obviously!Tsk.
27. What makes you love him/her ? (Look at Q26. IDONTHAVEASTEAD!!)
28. What are the most horrible things to you in you life ? Vegetables&The dark.
29. Who do you hate most in your heart forever & forever ? No one.I learn to forgive&forget.
30. What things will make you angry ? (in case you haven't notice again,look back at Q10.)
31. Who is most important in your life ? (in case you haven't noticed AGAIN,look back at Q12.)
32. What will you do if you have nothing ? Depends.
33. Who do you love most ? Gan-Mei's&Kors,Family♥
34. Who sleeps with you every night ? My Bolstie,Blanket&Piglet♥
35. Do you miss someone everyday that you cant sleep ?Yes,i do miss someone.But not until i cant sleep.Hahahahah(:
36. Which teacher you hate most ? None.
37. Did any teacher help you before ?Yes,Of course.
38. If you have many money till you cannot spend what will you do ? Sure can spend one lah..if really cant..give charity.
39. Kill/fight is the coolest thing ?No.Being yourself,is the coolest thing.
40. What do you expect to be tomorrow?Er,i dont know.Just tomorrow.
41. Who do you feel worried for in the world ? No One.
42. What do you want the most ? Nothing.
43. Do you love someone who have moles ?Everyone has at least a mole what?!
44. You want someone to love you or you love someone ? Someone to love me♥
45. Have you ever experience true love ?Nope.But i hope to(:
46. Which type of person do you hate the most?(Go back&see what i've written)
47. Is there anyone that you care about more than yourself? Er,i dont know.
48. Who is the best person to cheer you up ? My GanMei's,Kor's&Jie's(:
49. Who can you trust?My GanMei's,Kor's,Jie's&Family.
50. What are you wearing now ? Outfitter Tee&FBTs
51. Do you want someone to be your's now ?Er,what do you think?
52. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you ?Er,yes?
53. What time is it right now ?22nd March 2009,1415,Sunday♥
54. Do you go for looks ?Yes.Looks&Personality Matters most.
55. Whats the first letter of the person you like ? Obvious.Its a D.
56. Why you like the person you like? He knows the reason already.Not a need to say it here.
57. Would you stay overnight at his/her house?No,of course not!
58. Would you tell him/her everything about yourself?No.Not at the moment.
59. Who is the person who tagged you ?My Gan-Mei,Janet.
60. How are you feeling right now ? Sian.
61. Are you missing anyone ?Yes.
62. What you wish to have most now ? Happiness(:
63. What do you wish to do now ?Meet My Gan-Mei's,Kor's.
64. Would you call him/her now ?Er,No.?Whatever for?
65. Would you do anything with the person you love ?Er,no?Or rather,its depends.
66. Anyone always in your mind ?Yes.My Gan-Mei's&Kor's.
67. If today was the last day of your life what would you do ? Celebrate&Use up all my energy.
68. What is your goal for this year ? Go express(:
69. What feeling do you love most ? Heh?What feeling?
70. You like doing quizzes ? Yes,but not
71. Who cares for you the most ? My Gan Mei's,Kors,Jie's&Family.
72. What do you think is the most important thing in your life ? (i said it before,scroll up to see..)
73. What are th worst idea you've had this week ? Confiscated Handphone?
74. What were you doing last night at 11pm ? MSNing,SMSing.
75. Do you have a crush on someone ? Yeah,Duh.
76. Who was the last person to lie in your bed ? Me?Who else?
77. Last time you smiled ? A second ago. I smile every second.
78. Hows your mood now ?Happy♥
79. Are you always high ? Most of the time.
80. Last night, did you go to sleep happily ?No,not really.
81. When was the last time you changed your clothes in front of someone ? Long,long time ago.
82. Anyone told you a secret this week ? Forget liao lah..
83. Did you have a good day yesterday ? Yes.
84. What was the highlight of today ? Stay at home,alone.
86. What happened at 3.00am today ?Er,i was sleeping,soundly?
87. When was the last time you took a picture with your number 1 friend ? Heh?Number 1 friend?
88. Do you hate anyone ?No.
89. Do they know who they are ?Know who?
90. What is your favourite thing to eat with peanut butter ?Bread?.
91. When did you last cry ? 23rd October 2008.Graduation Day.
92. Have you ever collapsed on the bathroom floor ?No.im not that clumsy.
93. Do you have a good relationship with your mother ? Yeah,quite.
94. When was the last time you bought something ? Yesterday.
95. Have you ever told someone you love them ?Of course.All my IJ-Sisters♥
96. Do you continue fighting in an argument even tho you know you're wrong ?Sometimes.
97. Where are you yesterday ? Singapore Expo&Home.
98. Is there anyone that calls you baby ?No.
99. In the next 2 months what are looking forward to most ? Nothing.
101. Who did you last called ? Janet.
102. What are you thinking of right now ? Gan-Mei's,Kor's&Jie.
103. When and where was the last time you partied ? Last Sunday.
104. Have you ever sat and waited for someone to come online ?Yes.
105. When was the last time you laughed so hard you thought you were going to cry ? Every School day.
106. Did you tell someone something today ?Yeah.
107. Do you make-up ?Nope.
108. Do you like dressing up ?Sometimes.
109. Have you ever considered a sex change ?No.
110. What will you buy next ?Not Sure.
111. Have any crazy family members ?No.
112. Are you bored ?Yes.Damn sian,can?
113. What's on your mind right now ?Er,Many complex stuff.
114. What are you wearing ?Outfitter shirts&FBTs.
115. Any plans for today ?Nope.Im free.
116. What's the connection between you and the last person that called you? Best Freinds,Gan Mei-Jie relationship♥
117. What's your favourite Gatorade flavour ?Grape?
118. What's the nicest text in your inbox says ?Dontknow.
119. What's beside you right now ? Handphone.
120. Where do you want to be right now ?School.i aint a bookworm,i just wanna hang out with my Gans...
121. What is it that you find so hard to forget ?Something.
122. What's your name ? Anne-Marie♥
123. Male/Female ?Female.
124. Your birthday ? 25th February 1996(:
125. Country you're from ?Singapore.
126. Do you have a boyfriend ?No,i dont.
127. Can you describe how you look like ? No,i cant.i got bad description skills.
128. What are you doing now ?Doing this quiz,MSNing,SMSing,Watching TV.
129. What are you wearing now ? Outfitter Tee&FBTs.
130. Whose your best friend ? Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Cherie,Vanessa,LiJun,Naomi,Reena♥
131. Do you love yourself ?Yes.
132. What are you listening right now ? Our Song,Taylor Swift.
133. Are you hoping for something ?Yes.
134. What you adores the most ? A sense of humour?
135. How many family members do you have ?9,includes me.
136. Who are they ?Gan Mei's(Janet&Vanessa),Gan Kor's(Darrel&Brian),Gan Jie's(Nichole&Cherie),Daddy,Mummy&Me.
137. Who you love the most in your family ? My GanMei's,Kor's&Jie's.
138. Does this person love you ? Obviously!!They are my GANS,okay!!!
139. Describe this person ? Undescribable.
140. If you lose someone if your family, what will you do ?Cry?
141. If someone insult your family, what would you do ? Insult back.Heh.
142. Are there someone you hate in your family ?No.
143. Are you crushing or currently steading with someone ?Crushing-Yes,Steading-No.
144. If you do, what's his/her name ? Who do you think the person is?~.~"
145. How old is he/she ? 13.
146. What school is he/she in ? BPGHS.
147. Do you both meet before ? Yes.
148. Can you describe how he/she look like ? No,i got bad description skills.
149. How much do you love him/her ? As much as i think it is.
150. If you're single, would you love someone else instead of him/her ?No?
151. Do you hope he/she loves you too ?Of course,Silly!
152. Will you consider being with him/her for your future ?Er,i dont know.
153. If he/she ask you for sex, would you want ?NO! of course.
154. What did you last drank/eaten ?Wanton Mee.
155. Who did you last texted ? Darrel.
156. Whose the last to comment you in friendster ? i got no Friendster.
157. Whose the last person you chat with ?Janet.
158. When did you last see your best friend ?Last Thursday.
159. Who do you last kissed with ? My Piglet Plush♥ILOVEYOU,PIGLET!
160. What does your last text says ?161. *Private*
Who did you last hang out with ?Dad.
162. When did you last see your stead/crush ? No stead,Just Crush.Last thursday.
163. Where did you last went to ? Singapore Expo.
164. Who did you last met ? Dad?
165. When did you really laugh out loud ?Just now.After watching Phineas&Ferb.
166. What show/movie did you last watch ? Mr.Bean,The animated series.
167. Who did you last spend your happiest moment with ?Daddy.
168. How many besties do you have ? Er,7?
169. Who are they ? Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Cherie,Vanessa&Nichole Jie
170. Do all your besties know each other ?No.
171. Who do you spend the most time with ?Family?
172. Who do you spend the lesser time with ?My Darlings from IJ♥.
173. Do you love any of them ?Yes.
174. Do you enjoy every seconds with them ?Yes.
175. Do you think they enjoy being with you ?I think so..
176. Did you lied to them before ?No,i dont think so.
177. Does all of them have friendster ?No.
178. How about msn ?Of Course.
.179. Do you talk to them often ?Yes.
180. Taken or single ?Single,Obviously!!
181. Do you like it ?Like What?
182. Would you still kiss your ex ?I've got no EX-es.
183. Have you ever had your heart broken ?Nope.
184. Do you believe that cheating is bad ?Yes..
185. Are you missing some one special right now ?Yes.
186. Do you want children ?Yes.
187. If yes, how many ? Two.
188. Would you consider adoption ?LOL.Maybe?
189. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you ?Yes.Please.
190. Do you believe in celebrating an anniversary ?Er,Yes?
191. Do you get butterflies when you're around your crush ?Depends.
192. Do any of your ex still have feelings for you ?I have no Ex-es..
193. Have you slept at a boyfriend house ?Nope,i have no Boyfriend/EX-es.
194. Who would you spend the most time of your life with ?Family.
195. Does anyone know your password to your friendster beside yourself ?No.i hvae no friendster:B
196. Are you an emotional person ?Yeah,sometimes.
197. Have you ever lost a friendship over something stupid?No.
198. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite/same sex ? Not sure.
199. Are you afraid of pain ?What kinda pain?
200. If you're unhappy, what will you do ?Im seldom UNHAPPY.
5 people i tag to do this quiz :
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Screwed NOT,Fixed YES
Damn Shuang(: ~ Fixed the all the probs♥♥
(Esther,LiJun&Cherie!Thanks for your kind offer to help,but i have solve the problem.Nevertheless,THANKS A MILLION♥)
Fixed.Fixed.Fixed.Everything is FIXED!
Posts will be Poster as per normal,this blog is complete(:
Thanks y'all(:
♥Its close to midnight,better go get some sleep.IMY,person(:
(Esther,LiJun&Cherie!Thanks for your kind offer to help,but i have solve the problem.Nevertheless,THANKS A MILLION♥)
Fixed.Fixed.Fixed.Everything is FIXED!
Posts will be Poster as per normal,this blog is complete(:
Thanks y'all(:
♥Its close to midnight,better go get some sleep.IMY,person(:
My Blog Is Screwed:B
(Somebody,Help Me!!)
Argh!MY BLOG IS SCREWED.Tsk.i decided to change my skin,then all the data was lost,had to redo everything,lost all the infomation..Screwed Blog,so please IGNORE all the WRONG stuff on my blog for the moment..It will be fixed by Tomorrow(:
(Somebody,Help Me!!)
Argh!MY BLOG IS SCREWED.Tsk.i decided to change my skin,then all the data was lost,had to redo everything,lost all the infomation..Screwed Blog,so please IGNORE all the WRONG stuff on my blog for the moment..It will be fixed by Tomorrow(:
Sale sucks big time
Expo Sale Sucks!!!Nothing Fancy,Just Old Stocks.
Wasted my time at Singapore EXPO today,seriously. Had Adidas Sale,thought i would get something nice like a shoe or bag,but i found nothing...went back empty-handed...WTH lah!!!I WASTED MY GOD DAMN PRECIOUS TIME looking at old stock,seriously old stock...like some 15 year old clearance...i was like yeah,old stock at a-so-not-cheap-price..it wasnt worthy buying anyway...only IDIOTS would buy old goods at such a high price...its isnt even limited edition or something lorh...HENG,i never buy...
My Dearest Gan-Mei/BFF-Vanessa is feeling sick..."Vanessa ah..Vanessa...why are you sick...its okay,even if we cant go out this sunday,yeah(: Dont blame yourself...As long as you get well,there is always a next time..Get Well Soon,Yeah! I Love You Always"
Wasted my time at Singapore EXPO today,seriously. Had Adidas Sale,thought i would get something nice like a shoe or bag,but i found nothing...went back empty-handed...WTH lah!!!I WASTED MY GOD DAMN PRECIOUS TIME looking at old stock,seriously old stock...like some 15 year old clearance...i was like yeah,old stock at a-so-not-cheap-price..it wasnt worthy buying anyway...only IDIOTS would buy old goods at such a high price...its isnt even limited edition or something lorh...HENG,i never buy...
My Dearest Gan-Mei/BFF-Vanessa is feeling sick..."Vanessa ah..Vanessa...why are you sick...its okay,even if we cant go out this sunday,yeah(: Dont blame yourself...As long as you get well,there is always a next time..Get Well Soon,Yeah! I Love You Always"
Friday, 20 March 2009
Ten This Or That:
1:Love or lust - huh?
2:Hard liquor or beer - Neither.
3: Cats or dogs - Dogs.
4: A few best friends or any regular friends - Best Friends(:
5:Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy(:
6:Pencil or Pen - Pencil.
7:Wild night out or romantic night in - Wild night out.
8:Money or Happiness - Happiness
9:Day or night - Night
10:IM or phone - Phone
Ten Have You Ever
1. Been caught sneaking out - No.
2. Seen a polar bear - Yeah.Dirty ones at the Zoo.
4. Bungee jumped - No,not yet.(i wanna try!)
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yes(:
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Nope.
7. Been caught naked - No lah.
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - i have no ex-es.
9. Cried because you lost your pet - Nope.
10. Wanted to disappear -Yeah,many times!
Ten Preferences In A Partner:
1. Smile or eyes - Both.
2. Light or dark hair - Dark?
3. Hugs or kisses - Both.
4. Shorter or taller - Taller.Of Course.
5. Intelligence or attraction - Both.
6. Topman or Zara - TopMan.Can i have TopShop instead?
7. Funny or serious - Funny
8. Older or younger - Same age or Older.
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing.
10. Sweet or bad - Sweet(:
Ten Have You's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes,many times.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Of course.
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - Yes.
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope.But,i'll love to(:
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - Yes.Once.
6. Ever been on a dance team - Er,no.
7. Ever been on a sports team - Yes.Of Course(:
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Yes,Many TIMES!
9. Ever own a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bently -No,i want a sports car.These are ahpek-drive-the car..Hahahahah!(:
10. Ever been on a rap video - Nope.
1. Last phone call you made - Janet.
2. Last person you hugged - Daddy(:
3. Last person you hung out with - Janet,Darrel&Brian
4. Last time you worked - Yesterday.
5. Last person you talked to - Janet.
6. Last person you IM'd - ??
7. Last person you texted - Darrel.
8.Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Cherie,Khaiting,LiJun,Geraldine,Trisha&Vanessa(:
9. Last person/thing you missed - Janet,Darrel,Brian&Stephanie(:
10. Last website visited - Janet's Blog.
Five People To Do
1. Cherie
2. LiJun
3. Adora
4. LiQing
5. XiaoYu
Ten This Or That:
1:Love or lust - huh?
2:Hard liquor or beer - Neither.
3: Cats or dogs - Dogs.
4: A few best friends or any regular friends - Best Friends(:
5:Creamy or Crunchy - Crunchy(:
6:Pencil or Pen - Pencil.
7:Wild night out or romantic night in - Wild night out.
8:Money or Happiness - Happiness
9:Day or night - Night
10:IM or phone - Phone
Ten Have You Ever
1. Been caught sneaking out - No.
2. Seen a polar bear - Yeah.Dirty ones at the Zoo.
4. Bungee jumped - No,not yet.(i wanna try!)
5. Eaten food that fell on the floor - Yes(:
6. Finished an entire jaw breaker - Nope.
7. Been caught naked - No lah.
8. Wanted an ex bf/gf back - i have no ex-es.
9. Cried because you lost your pet - Nope.
10. Wanted to disappear -Yeah,many times!
Ten Preferences In A Partner:
1. Smile or eyes - Both.
2. Light or dark hair - Dark?
3. Hugs or kisses - Both.
4. Shorter or taller - Taller.Of Course.
5. Intelligence or attraction - Both.
6. Topman or Zara - TopMan.Can i have TopShop instead?
7. Funny or serious - Funny
8. Older or younger - Same age or Older.
9. Outgoing or quiet - outgoing.
10. Sweet or bad - Sweet(:
Ten Have You's
1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes,many times.
2. Ever talked on the phone for longer than an hour - Of course.
3. Ever tried walking on your hands - Yes.
4. Ever been to a rock concert - Nope.But,i'll love to(:
5. Ever been on a cheerleading team - Yes.Once.
6. Ever been on a dance team - Er,no.
7. Ever been on a sports team - Yes.Of Course(:
8. Ever been in a drama play/production - Yes,Many TIMES!
9. Ever own a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bently -No,i want a sports car.These are ahpek-drive-the car..Hahahahah!(:
10. Ever been on a rap video - Nope.
1. Last phone call you made - Janet.
2. Last person you hugged - Daddy(:
3. Last person you hung out with - Janet,Darrel&Brian
4. Last time you worked - Yesterday.
5. Last person you talked to - Janet.
6. Last person you IM'd - ??
7. Last person you texted - Darrel.
8.Last person(s) you went to the movies with - Cherie,Khaiting,LiJun,Geraldine,Trisha&Vanessa(:
9. Last person/thing you missed - Janet,Darrel,Brian&Stephanie(:
10. Last website visited - Janet's Blog.
Five People To Do
1. Cherie
2. LiJun
3. Adora
4. LiQing
5. XiaoYu
Pass This to 10 people First:
9)Nichole JIE!
13.If 5 (LiQing) & 7 (Cherie)- were together? Never.No LES here,people!
14. What colour does 8(LiJun) like? Er,Blue?
15.Who does 9 (Nichole Jie!)like? Er,someone?i dont know:B
16.Say something to 8(LiJun) I LOVE YOU!!friends for life?
17.Who is 2 (Darrel)? My Bestest&Bestest Friend(:
18.Talk about 3(Brian) Funny,Occasionaly weird guy.
19. Who is 10(Naomi)? Best Friend(:
20. Who is the sexiest among the 10? Er,no one.this is R21 okay!!
21. What colour does 4(Stephanie) like? Purple.
22. Is 4(Stephanie) Yes,but not for long.
23. Your relationship with 1(Janet)- My Bestest&Bestest Friend(:
24. 5(LiQing) & 6(XiaoYu)--InfoComm Senior(: , XiaoYu-IJ&BP Senior(:
25. 2(Darrel) surname. Tan
26. 7 (Cherie) nickname. Cheah!
27. Say something to 4 (Stephanie). Hey,Friend!
28. Say something to help 10(Naomi) ILOVEYOU(:
29. Who do i admire? Cheyenne JieJie(:
30. Who is the most good looking guy in the list? Er,R21 AGAIN!!!Tsk.
31. 10 of them who you like?What Do you think?I LOVE ALL OF THEM!
32. Say something to 6(XiaoYu)- Hey,IJ&BP Senior!!Hope to see you i school,soon(:
33. Do you love 1(Janet)? Yes,I LOVE HER TO THE CORE!!!
Pass This to 10 people First:
9)Nichole JIE!
13.If 5 (LiQing) & 7 (Cherie)- were together? Never.No LES here,people!
14. What colour does 8(LiJun) like? Er,Blue?
15.Who does 9 (Nichole Jie!)like? Er,someone?i dont know:B
16.Say something to 8(LiJun) I LOVE YOU!!friends for life?
17.Who is 2 (Darrel)? My Bestest&Bestest Friend(:
18.Talk about 3(Brian) Funny,Occasionaly weird guy.
19. Who is 10(Naomi)? Best Friend(:
20. Who is the sexiest among the 10? Er,no one.this is R21 okay!!
21. What colour does 4(Stephanie) like? Purple.
22. Is 4(Stephanie) Yes,but not for long.
23. Your relationship with 1(Janet)- My Bestest&Bestest Friend(:
24. 5(LiQing) & 6(XiaoYu)--InfoComm Senior(: , XiaoYu-IJ&BP Senior(:
25. 2(Darrel) surname. Tan
26. 7 (Cherie) nickname. Cheah!
27. Say something to 4 (Stephanie). Hey,Friend!
28. Say something to help 10(Naomi) ILOVEYOU(:
29. Who do i admire? Cheyenne JieJie(:
30. Who is the most good looking guy in the list? Er,R21 AGAIN!!!Tsk.
31. 10 of them who you like?What Do you think?I LOVE ALL OF THEM!
32. Say something to 6(XiaoYu)- Hey,IJ&BP Senior!!Hope to see you i school,soon(:
33. Do you love 1(Janet)? Yes,I LOVE HER TO THE CORE!!!
#1: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed?No where else.
#2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning?Shuang(: Had a great sleep(:
#3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?Janet.
#4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?Yes,a little.
#5: Would you ever donate blood?Depends.
#6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?Yes.
#7: Do you want someone dead?Nope.
#8: What does your last text message say? Ok.
#9: What are you thinking of right now? Nothing.
#10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?Yes,of course.
#11: What time did you go to sleep last night?11.00 plus?
#12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?USA.(RipCurl singlet:B)
#13: Is someone on your mind right now?Yes,obviously!
#14: Who was the last person to text you?Darrel.
1. Darrel
2. Janet.
3. Brian
4. Stephanie.
5. Cherie
6. LiJun
7. Adora
8. LiQing
9. XiaoYu
#15: Who is 2.(Janet) having a relationship with?No one,Currently.
#16: Is 3(Brian) a male or a female? Male.obviously!LOOK AT THE NAME!
#17: If 7(Adora) and 10(Florence) get together will that be a good thing? As school mates,Yes.
#18: What is 1(Darrel) studying about? Nothing,just getting ready for his Class Reunion.
#20: Is Number 4(Stephanie) Yes.she is SINGLE&AVAILABLE.Hahahahah!
#21: Say something about Number 5 (Cherie) Best Friend.ILOVEHER
22: What do you think about Number 3(Brian) and 6(LiJun) being together?Never.They dont suit each other,besides,they dont know each other!
#23: Describe Number 9 (XiaoYu). Er,a good IJ&BP senior FOR 7years!
]#24: What will you do if Number 6(Adora) and 7(LiJun) fight?Quite Impossible.
#25: Do you like Number 8? (LiQing)Yes,Alot(: HAHAHAHHA!
#1: Besides your lips , where is your favourite spot to get kissed?No where else.
#2: How do you feel when you woke up this morning?Shuang(: Had a great sleep(:
#3: Who was the last person you took a photo with?Janet.
#4: Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?Yes,a little.
#5: Would you ever donate blood?Depends.
#6: Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex?Yes.
#7: Do you want someone dead?Nope.
#8: What does your last text message say? Ok.
#9: What are you thinking of right now? Nothing.
#10: Do you wish someone was with you right now?Yes,of course.
#11: What time did you go to sleep last night?11.00 plus?
#12: Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?USA.(RipCurl singlet:B)
#13: Is someone on your mind right now?Yes,obviously!
#14: Who was the last person to text you?Darrel.
1. Darrel
2. Janet.
3. Brian
4. Stephanie.
5. Cherie
6. LiJun
7. Adora
8. LiQing
9. XiaoYu
#15: Who is 2.(Janet) having a relationship with?No one,Currently.
#16: Is 3(Brian) a male or a female? Male.obviously!LOOK AT THE NAME!
#17: If 7(Adora) and 10(Florence) get together will that be a good thing? As school mates,Yes.
#18: What is 1(Darrel) studying about? Nothing,just getting ready for his Class Reunion.
#20: Is Number 4(Stephanie) Yes.she is SINGLE&AVAILABLE.Hahahahah!
#21: Say something about Number 5 (Cherie) Best Friend.ILOVEHER
22: What do you think about Number 3(Brian) and 6(LiJun) being together?Never.They dont suit each other,besides,they dont know each other!
#23: Describe Number 9 (XiaoYu). Er,a good IJ&BP senior FOR 7years!
]#24: What will you do if Number 6(Adora) and 7(LiJun) fight?Quite Impossible.
#25: Do you like Number 8? (LiQing)Yes,Alot(: HAHAHAHHA!
Stephanie Tagged me to do this.
1. My friends..♥Thanks for being there,when i TEAR,LAUGH&COMPLAIN(: I LOVE YOU ALL.
2. I am listening to..♥Jonas Brothers,Still In Love With You(:
3. Maybe i should learn..♥Being more Zi Lian(:
4. I love...♥My Dears&Darlings in BP&IJ,Family(:
5. My plan.♥To grow Skinny!(im too fat :B)
6. I don't understand...♥Why SAM CANT SHUT-UP FOR 10MINUTES.he is driving me up the wall!
7. I lost..♥Something DEAR to me.
8. People say..♥I'm very HAPPY-GO-LUCKY. i agree(:
9. I am missing..♥Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Vanessa,Cherie,Trisha,Reena,Seraphina,
Nichole JIE&all other IJ-RIANS!
10. Love means...♥i love you&you love me(:
11. Somewhere, someone is ..♥Messaging me(: Hehe.you know who that,is.
12. I am searching for..♥Happiness(:
13. Forever seems..♥Forever?
14. I never want to..♥ Grow FAT,even if i keep on EATING(:
15. My mobile phone..♥is my EVERYTHING!i love you,my dear phone.
16. When i wake up in the morning..♥ I brush my teeth.
17. I get annoyed..♥When you start CRAPPING.
18. Parties are..♥My kinda THING!
19. Hugs or kisses..♥ Er,Both?
20. Today i....♥I'm Happy(:
21. Tmr i will be..♥Moody :B
22. I really want..♥to go EXPRESS(:
23. I..♥wanted to sleep more,someone disrupted it. S.A.D
24. What is ur phone brand ?♥Sony Ericsson.
25. What are the last 3 digits of ur phone number ?♥015.
26. What does the second last message in ur inbox say?♥"Oh,you read that everyday?..Dont cry lah..Hahahahah(: " By Darrel Kor.
27. who was the last person you rang ?♥Janet Mei.
28. Who was the last missed call from ?♥Janet Mei.
29. What is the oldest message in ur inbox says ?♥ You at home?
30. Who comes after 'J'?♥a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j, K!
31.Go to your sent message..what does the tenth message says?♥Zz..Okay.Anything. Sent to Darrel.
32. Who is your network provider ?♥Er,huh?
33. How many messages are there in ur inbox ?♥1568,CURRENTLY.
35. if you are on prepaid card, how may credits do you have ?♥Er,im using Line.
36. Who's the person who come's after 'C' ?♥Erm,what?
37. Who do you have as ur main ringtone ?♥What Main Ringtone?Er,TayLor Swift,Our Song?
38. Tag 5 person to do this survey.♥
1. ♥Cherie
2. ♥Naomi
3. ♥Brian
4. ♥LiQing
5. ♥XiaoYu
Stephanie Tagged me to do this.
1. My friends..♥Thanks for being there,when i TEAR,LAUGH&COMPLAIN(: I LOVE YOU ALL.
2. I am listening to..♥Jonas Brothers,Still In Love With You(:
3. Maybe i should learn..♥Being more Zi Lian(:
4. I love...♥My Dears&Darlings in BP&IJ,Family(:
5. My plan.♥To grow Skinny!(im too fat :B)
6. I don't understand...♥Why SAM CANT SHUT-UP FOR 10MINUTES.he is driving me up the wall!
7. I lost..♥Something DEAR to me.
8. People say..♥I'm very HAPPY-GO-LUCKY. i agree(:
9. I am missing..♥Janet,Darrel,Brian,Stephanie,Vanessa,Cherie,Trisha,Reena,Seraphina,
Nichole JIE&all other IJ-RIANS!
10. Love means...♥i love you&you love me(:
11. Somewhere, someone is ..♥Messaging me(: Hehe.you know who that,is.
12. I am searching for..♥Happiness(:
13. Forever seems..♥Forever?
14. I never want to..♥ Grow FAT,even if i keep on EATING(:
15. My mobile phone..♥is my EVERYTHING!i love you,my dear phone.
16. When i wake up in the morning..♥ I brush my teeth.
17. I get annoyed..♥When you start CRAPPING.
18. Parties are..♥My kinda THING!
19. Hugs or kisses..♥ Er,Both?
20. Today i....♥I'm Happy(:
21. Tmr i will be..♥Moody :B
22. I really want..♥to go EXPRESS(:
23. I..♥wanted to sleep more,someone disrupted it. S.A.D
24. What is ur phone brand ?♥Sony Ericsson.
25. What are the last 3 digits of ur phone number ?♥015.
26. What does the second last message in ur inbox say?♥"Oh,you read that everyday?..Dont cry lah..Hahahahah(: " By Darrel Kor.
27. who was the last person you rang ?♥Janet Mei.
28. Who was the last missed call from ?♥Janet Mei.
29. What is the oldest message in ur inbox says ?♥ You at home?
30. Who comes after 'J'?♥a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j, K!
31.Go to your sent message..what does the tenth message says?♥Zz..Okay.Anything. Sent to Darrel.
32. Who is your network provider ?♥Er,huh?
33. How many messages are there in ur inbox ?♥1568,CURRENTLY.
35. if you are on prepaid card, how may credits do you have ?♥Er,im using Line.
36. Who's the person who come's after 'C' ?♥Erm,what?
37. Who do you have as ur main ringtone ?♥What Main Ringtone?Er,TayLor Swift,Our Song?
38. Tag 5 person to do this survey.♥
1. ♥Cherie
2. ♥Naomi
3. ♥Brian
4. ♥LiQing
5. ♥XiaoYu
Editing suckxz .
Made the changes,Adora&Janet requested...the name&the fonts problem.IT IS OFFICIALLY FIXED!So whats done its done.No more changes people..back to blog-hopping,facebook-ing&MSN-ing.
Made the changes,Adora&Janet requested...the name&the fonts problem.IT IS OFFICIALLY FIXED!So whats done its done.No more changes people..back to blog-hopping,facebook-ing&MSN-ing.
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Day at the Library.
Met up with Darrel in the Morning,at 0830,at the Mini-Mcdonald's@CCK interchange.Definitely reached EARLIER than 0830,but Darrel reached earlier than said,so we went to school,earlier than arranged..Walk to school,instead of taking the bus!Lucky,its cooling.
Met Naaziya at the Traffic light..she was walking kinda slow..so i Darrel&i didnt wait for her..Sorry,Naaziya!I didnt talk-much on our way to school with Darrel."Hey,you want to eat sweet?" ,"Must sign in later?" That was all he said.One word-Pro.I dont understand why he is so quiet,sometimes!!Wont you have the urge to talk? Zzz..Saw TingHui outside,didnt talk to her til later. Signed in,as usual. Walked to class-with Darrel,then everyone was like..Er,Mocking at us?Then,i paiseh..obviously!
Class ended late!!very late!it wa ssuppose to end at 1200..but it ended at 1230plus...so it took up the time we were suppose to spend at the Library.Went to McDonalds,with Darrel,Brian&Janet.(Boys were no where to be found,until later.) Sat with Janet.Ate.Left McDonalds.Looked for the boys.Saw SiXuan,Grace&XinYi.Ended up in the Library.Library: Had no space for us to sit,do homework. Boys found seats for 4,but it didnt look comfortable. Janet&I went to look for places to sit on the floor..found space NEXT TO A GOD DAMN PLANT! felt utterly weird..Then Janet found a table!!AHHHHHHHH!finally,a DECENT place to sit.4 people SQUEEZING in a table.One Word-Pathetic.OKay,it wasnt that squezzy though.Hahahahah!!
We were all Damn-Guai okay...then Brian stop doing his homework,Janet stop doing her homework&(started scribbling in her organiser),Darrel say got no mood to do,then i also dont do lor..Started laughing(at Brian's super loud-music)&Talking.Then then,XinYi&SiXuan came..sat down.Wanted to take group photo(Janet,Darrel,Brian&Me.) But but but,the boys dont want to cooperate!Tsk.Never mind.Darrel Tan say he will take the photos,next monday..(Pinky-Swear!)Hahahahahahah!!
Tsk.Dad pressure-pressure me to Log-Off already,Blog next time!
Met up with Darrel in the Morning,at 0830,at the Mini-Mcdonald's@CCK interchange.Definitely reached EARLIER than 0830,but Darrel reached earlier than said,so we went to school,earlier than arranged..Walk to school,instead of taking the bus!Lucky,its cooling.
Met Naaziya at the Traffic light..she was walking kinda slow..so i Darrel&i didnt wait for her..Sorry,Naaziya!I didnt talk-much on our way to school with Darrel."Hey,you want to eat sweet?" ,"Must sign in later?" That was all he said.One word-Pro.I dont understand why he is so quiet,sometimes!!Wont you have the urge to talk? Zzz..Saw TingHui outside,didnt talk to her til later. Signed in,as usual. Walked to class-with Darrel,then everyone was like..Er,Mocking at us?Then,i paiseh..obviously!
Class ended late!!very late!it wa ssuppose to end at 1200..but it ended at 1230plus...so it took up the time we were suppose to spend at the Library.Went to McDonalds,with Darrel,Brian&Janet.(Boys were no where to be found,until later.) Sat with Janet.Ate.Left McDonalds.Looked for the boys.Saw SiXuan,Grace&XinYi.Ended up in the Library.Library: Had no space for us to sit,do homework. Boys found seats for 4,but it didnt look comfortable. Janet&I went to look for places to sit on the floor..found space NEXT TO A GOD DAMN PLANT! felt utterly weird..Then Janet found a table!!AHHHHHHHH!finally,a DECENT place to sit.4 people SQUEEZING in a table.One Word-Pathetic.OKay,it wasnt that squezzy though.Hahahahah!!
We were all Damn-Guai okay...then Brian stop doing his homework,Janet stop doing her homework&(started scribbling in her organiser),Darrel say got no mood to do,then i also dont do lor..Started laughing(at Brian's super loud-music)&Talking.Then then,XinYi&SiXuan came..sat down.Wanted to take group photo(Janet,Darrel,Brian&Me.) But but but,the boys dont want to cooperate!Tsk.Never mind.Darrel Tan say he will take the photos,next monday..(Pinky-Swear!)Hahahahahahah!!
Tsk.Dad pressure-pressure me to Log-Off already,Blog next time!
Monday, 16 March 2009
Happy Birthday,Nicole Loh!!
(Hey,this font is nice)
"Neighbour!!!OMG,ILY!Happy Birthday! Today. You turn 13,and is no longer a kid..But its okay, i still Love you,Yeah!"
♥Anne-Marie,your Neighbour(:
OMG.have i told you how many freakinglishly many homework i have? the one that sucks the most is Math! its the Freaking HeyMath! worksheet i've gotta do & it has 35 Questions!!(Every 2 questions,uses up a full piece of fullscap!WHAT A WASTE OF PAPER)Tsk.have to concentrate on my History,cos it will be considered in my ca1 marks..Buck up!Buck up!&&& there is still this preparation for some Homec practical exam,,havent "prepare" for that yet..."Naaziya..how?"
Oh,did i tell you how bored i am at home?BRING ME OUT,SOMEBODY!im rotting at home.~Exactly another 89 more hours,before i can actually meet Darrel at the CCK interchange&go to school and meet the rest..IMISSYOU Darrel,Janet&Stephanie!Hahahahha.i need to go for some sort of remedial classes On Thursday,19march.Tsk.its a waste of time,but its okay,i can still see my friends..
(Hey,this font is nice)
"Neighbour!!!OMG,ILY!Happy Birthday! Today. You turn 13,and is no longer a kid..But its okay, i still Love you,Yeah!"
♥Anne-Marie,your Neighbour(:
OMG.have i told you how many freakinglishly many homework i have? the one that sucks the most is Math! its the Freaking HeyMath! worksheet i've gotta do & it has 35 Questions!!(Every 2 questions,uses up a full piece of fullscap!WHAT A WASTE OF PAPER)Tsk.have to concentrate on my History,cos it will be considered in my ca1 marks..Buck up!Buck up!&&& there is still this preparation for some Homec practical exam,,havent "prepare" for that yet..."Naaziya..how?"
Oh,did i tell you how bored i am at home?BRING ME OUT,SOMEBODY!im rotting at home.~Exactly another 89 more hours,before i can actually meet Darrel at the CCK interchange&go to school and meet the rest..IMISSYOU Darrel,Janet&Stephanie!Hahahahha.i need to go for some sort of remedial classes On Thursday,19march.Tsk.its a waste of time,but its okay,i can still see my friends..
Sunday, 15 March 2009
A Quiz LiJun Tagged me to do.
Tsk.LiJun tagged me to do this quiz,since im bored.i shall do it(:
How much of your teenage life have you messed up ?
[ ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total: 0~Zero!
[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times.
[ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total :1~One!
[ ] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[ ] Passed notes.
[x]Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
Total :3~Three!
[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm
[x] Went on myspace , facebook , xanga , etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[ ] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc. during class.
Total : 2~Two!
[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[ ] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a class test.
[ ] Ate food during class.
Total :1~One!
[ ] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.
Total :2~Two!
[ ] Faked your parents signature
[ ] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework.
Total: 1~One!
All total:10/35= 28.57 %
Whoa. Im so Screwed, I have screwed up 28% of my teenage life.
So, tag people?
1. Janet
2. Stephanie
3. Cherie
4. LiQing~Senior
5. Florence
6. Stellina~Senior
7. XiaoYu~Senior
Okay, done.(Happy,LiJun?)
How much of your teenage life have you messed up ?
[ ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total: 0~Zero!
[ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times.
[x] Didn’t do homework over 5 times.
[ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total :1~One!
[ ] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[ ] Passed notes.
[x]Threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
Total :3~Three!
[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm
[x] Went on myspace , facebook , xanga , etc. on the computer at school.
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[ ] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc. during class.
Total : 2~Two!
[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[ ] Broke the dress code.
[x] Failed a class test.
[ ] Ate food during class.
Total :1~One!
[ ] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[x] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[x] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear.
Total :2~Two!
[ ] Faked your parents signature
[ ] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[x] Copied homework.
Total: 1~One!
All total:10/35= 28.57 %
Whoa. Im so Screwed, I have screwed up 28% of my teenage life.
So, tag people?
1. Janet
2. Stephanie
3. Cherie
4. LiQing~Senior
5. Florence
6. Stellina~Senior
7. XiaoYu~Senior
Okay, done.(Happy,LiJun?)
Friday, 13 March 2009
1st Sports Carnival in BP(:
[tired from the games,update tomorrow,yeah!]
[/edited]~P.S:i dont feel like updating what happened.Very pek chek...Haiya,nevermind..its just a game,there is still a next time(: ~~ Go to Stephanie's blog if you want to know what actually happened(:
[tired from the games,update tomorrow,yeah!]
[/edited]~P.S:i dont feel like updating what happened.Very pek chek...Haiya,nevermind..its just a game,there is still a next time(: ~~ Go to Stephanie's blog if you want to know what actually happened(:
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Dude, i look like whaifen ;B
OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.OMG.WHY IN THE WORLD DOES SO MANY PEOPLE SAY I LOOK LIKE WHAIFEN?(WhaiFen,girl from St.Theresa's Convent,looks strangely like me.)
Gosh.i really want to meet her on day..EVERYONE says i look like her!Tsk.Imagine that i want to St.Theresa's convent...ill probably be WhaiFen's long lost Twin!!!!LOL.Tsk.Sera says so.Naomi says so.Vanessa Says so.LiJun say so.Reena said so.Many More said so!!!Tsk.Who cares?Im tanner than WhaiFen. Haahahaahha.
Okay, Facebook time ;D
Gosh.i really want to meet her on day..EVERYONE says i look like her!Tsk.Imagine that i want to St.Theresa's convent...ill probably be WhaiFen's long lost Twin!!!!LOL.Tsk.Sera says so.Naomi says so.Vanessa Says so.LiJun say so.Reena said so.Many More said so!!!Tsk.Who cares?Im tanner than WhaiFen. Haahahaahha.
Okay, Facebook time ;D
Rainbow over BP(:
Tsk.Weekends past very fast...Its Monday AGAIN tomorrow..Tsk.Drama Again...Darrel wont be attending his NCC camp cos of his flu,too sick to go for camp?Yeah,then must do the Drama thing again..Total Sian-ness..Cant wait for Friday(: MY FIRST SPORTS CARNIVAL♥ playing FLOORBALL again..played floorball in P5 before(: - i got 1ST okay!!!This time we aren't playing as a "house" already...its different.Everyone's in the same "house"...Class 1A is in YELLOW..okay lah,not a very nice colour but its not tth worst colour so still okay.Hahahaaahh(:
Nevertheless ,Get Well Soon Darrel! JiaYou,JiaYou,JiaYou
Friday, 6 March 2009
Sam, you're irritating fool.
Ended school,rather early today...ended @ 1225. Went Lot1 with Darrel,Janet&Brian for lunch then later,Timothy tagged along..He was Extra!Really Extra..no offence,tim.If only steph came,you wont be extra(: Ate Mcdonalds(Yeah,fried food AGAIN,i have been eating it for the past week!-Getting fatter.)
Lost my appetite when tim stareted talking about Sam farting..i was like WTF.he didnt even allow me to finish my drink!Gave my fries to Darrel,even though tim at some of it..Janet gave her fries to Brian..but Darrel ate it.LOL.went to the toilet to wash our hands..then when we come out,Darrel was carrying my bag for me&Brian was carrying Janet's bag..and timothy was walking empty-handed.Tsk.felt really bad cos my bag was super heavy..We went to walk-walk for a while then we had to return to school to gather at the porch...Mdm Yati came&started calling lots of people's name...all my BFFS were called except steph...Janet,Darrel,Brian were all called by Mdm Yati..i thought she wanted to "split" us up for the excursion...but i turns out not..& that good news... Bad news is..these people,didnt do their weekly duties...BUT JANET DID!!
Pure-accusation!!!Hey,i didnt do my duties too...Why he never complain me?Complain lah,he complain king what!
This is an INSULT to me:But Janet said that Sam didnt complain me&steph cos he likes the both of us,COS HE LIKES US!Ew!!!i dont like him.&He complained Janet cos Janet is the Vice Chairman.&He complained Darrel cos i like Darrel,Darrel likes me.(Sam too much,always trying to break us up by telling rumours!)He very bias...HATE HIM TO THE CORE!
In the bus,everyone was talking bout him.Talk&Talk&Talk until he cry..LOL.So cry-baby.Then Janet&i gossiped with QunJie&PinWei for awhile...Reached the musuem..Stood ouside the musuem like statues til a Korean tourist came and asked us to take a picture with them-i went in and took it..so it somehow became our first unofficial class photo.Hahhaahhah.We waited&waited...then we were spilt into three groups..Janet,Sixuan,Steph&Me were the only girls in our group!Tsk.
The musuem had lots of Buddha stuff,which i wasnt suppose to see...the guide was talking about some disgusting stuff...which hurt my ears,neck..it was god damn freaky..When we came into the "Buddha" area...i was shivering...Janet&i wasnt allowed to look a such stuff!!i felt super cold..i was squezzing Janet&Steph's hand like real hard!i was SHAKING!!!i wasnt feeling good..
My neck hurt cos i was carrying my bag the whole time,and it was god damn heavy.Darrel offered to carry my bag for me but i didnt let him cos later when we gather,the class will see&make fun of us..Later we paiseh..so i carried it myself..
The trip back was fun. Had lots of Laughing gas...Tim kept irritating Darrel which didnt make me happy.Sam kept irritating me which didnt make Darrel happy.Laughed til i nose bleed..as usual.Darrel lent me tissue(: Thanks!!Got down the bus&ran to the toilet...Everyone left.Except for Stephanie,Janet&Darrel-My true friends(: Thanks Guys!&Thanks alot,Darrel(:
Walked with Darrel&Janet back.Went to Lot1 NTUC with PinWei,Brian,Sixuan,Syafiqah&Janet to buy their stuff for homec..wasted alot of time.
I want time to stop now.I dont want Monday to come.Darrel wont be in school on Monday,Thanks to his NCC camp.Tsk.its gonna last for 2 Days:(
Darrel is sick.Get Well Soon,Darrel.Cheers(:
Ended school,rather early today...ended @ 1225. Went Lot1 with Darrel,Janet&Brian for lunch then later,Timothy tagged along..He was Extra!Really Extra..no offence,tim.If only steph came,you wont be extra(: Ate Mcdonalds(Yeah,fried food AGAIN,i have been eating it for the past week!-Getting fatter.)
Lost my appetite when tim stareted talking about Sam farting..i was like WTF.he didnt even allow me to finish my drink!Gave my fries to Darrel,even though tim at some of it..Janet gave her fries to Brian..but Darrel ate it.LOL.went to the toilet to wash our hands..then when we come out,Darrel was carrying my bag for me&Brian was carrying Janet's bag..and timothy was walking empty-handed.Tsk.felt really bad cos my bag was super heavy..We went to walk-walk for a while then we had to return to school to gather at the porch...Mdm Yati came&started calling lots of people's name...all my BFFS were called except steph...Janet,Darrel,Brian were all called by Mdm Yati..i thought she wanted to "split" us up for the excursion...but i turns out not..& that good news... Bad news is..these people,didnt do their weekly duties...BUT JANET DID!!
Pure-accusation!!!Hey,i didnt do my duties too...Why he never complain me?Complain lah,he complain king what!
This is an INSULT to me:But Janet said that Sam didnt complain me&steph cos he likes the both of us,COS HE LIKES US!Ew!!!i dont like him.&He complained Janet cos Janet is the Vice Chairman.&He complained Darrel cos i like Darrel,Darrel likes me.(Sam too much,always trying to break us up by telling rumours!)He very bias...HATE HIM TO THE CORE!
In the bus,everyone was talking bout him.Talk&Talk&Talk until he cry..LOL.So cry-baby.Then Janet&i gossiped with QunJie&PinWei for awhile...Reached the musuem..Stood ouside the musuem like statues til a Korean tourist came and asked us to take a picture with them-i went in and took it..so it somehow became our first unofficial class photo.Hahhaahhah.We waited&waited...then we were spilt into three groups..Janet,Sixuan,Steph&Me were the only girls in our group!Tsk.
The musuem had lots of Buddha stuff,which i wasnt suppose to see...the guide was talking about some disgusting stuff...which hurt my ears,neck..it was god damn freaky..When we came into the "Buddha" area...i was shivering...Janet&i wasnt allowed to look a such stuff!!i felt super cold..i was squezzing Janet&Steph's hand like real hard!i was SHAKING!!!i wasnt feeling good..
My neck hurt cos i was carrying my bag the whole time,and it was god damn heavy.Darrel offered to carry my bag for me but i didnt let him cos later when we gather,the class will see&make fun of us..Later we paiseh..so i carried it myself..
The trip back was fun. Had lots of Laughing gas...Tim kept irritating Darrel which didnt make me happy.Sam kept irritating me which didnt make Darrel happy.Laughed til i nose bleed..as usual.Darrel lent me tissue(: Thanks!!Got down the bus&ran to the toilet...Everyone left.Except for Stephanie,Janet&Darrel-My true friends(: Thanks Guys!&Thanks alot,Darrel(:
Walked with Darrel&Janet back.Went to Lot1 NTUC with PinWei,Brian,Sixuan,Syafiqah&Janet to buy their stuff for homec..wasted alot of time.
I want time to stop now.I dont want Monday to come.Darrel wont be in school on Monday,Thanks to his NCC camp.Tsk.its gonna last for 2 Days:(
Darrel is sick.Get Well Soon,Darrel.Cheers(:
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Anjanaa you're a sucker.
OMG.This is a total insult!Me? "the one that is up to no good"???
I HATE YOU,ANJANAA!"im the one that is up to no good?" is your personal opinion huh?well,here is my personla opinion...
"you are a sucker,a real big one...You are also a big FAT liar!I dont care if 1/4 of 6Love hates me...that the past.BPGHS is my present.(i know some people hate me in BP.)You think everyone like you and you are so likeable ar?Thats so not true..i know whatever you write in Facebook is your personal opinion thats why im controlling myself not to use the F-word.But the word"sucker" is a total need cos you are one..Dont Worry,THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION,MY POINT OF VIEW. You think just because you in express,very big deal ar?(According to Seraphina,you are not in EXPRESS.so do try&be big,go tell everyone you in express..we belong to the same "class",SUCKER!)i know many 6LOVE-rians look down on me cos im in normal acad.So what if im slow in my academic studies?i may not be study-smart.but im street-smart.i dont get duped by people.in the end,ill probably get better grades than you people.Anjanna,you can block me from the class blog,msn&facebook.whatever.i dont care.But,just to let you know,By doing that,you are discriminating me from the rest.Dont think just because you are the god damn blog author,you can do whatever you want.I'll get my way into that class blog and expose you!Watch out,Bitch!"
Sorry Anjanna.Wait,are you even worth my apologies?Oh,nevermind.ill be "kind" for once since im always "up to no good".Is this sarcastic enough,my QUEEN anjanaa<-TOTAL SUCKER.NO OFFENCE.cos its my PERSONAL OPINION.sucker.sucker.sucker.sucker.Hahahaahah.
OMG.This is a total insult!Me? "the one that is up to no good"???
I HATE YOU,ANJANAA!"im the one that is up to no good?" is your personal opinion huh?well,here is my personla opinion...
"you are a sucker,a real big one...You are also a big FAT liar!I dont care if 1/4 of 6Love hates me...that the past.BPGHS is my present.(i know some people hate me in BP.)You think everyone like you and you are so likeable ar?Thats so not true..i know whatever you write in Facebook is your personal opinion thats why im controlling myself not to use the F-word.But the word"sucker" is a total need cos you are one..Dont Worry,THIS IS JUST MY PERSONAL OPINION,MY POINT OF VIEW. You think just because you in express,very big deal ar?(According to Seraphina,you are not in EXPRESS.so do try&be big,go tell everyone you in express..we belong to the same "class",SUCKER!)i know many 6LOVE-rians look down on me cos im in normal acad.So what if im slow in my academic studies?i may not be study-smart.but im street-smart.i dont get duped by people.in the end,ill probably get better grades than you people.Anjanna,you can block me from the class blog,msn&facebook.whatever.i dont care.But,just to let you know,By doing that,you are discriminating me from the rest.Dont think just because you are the god damn blog author,you can do whatever you want.I'll get my way into that class blog and expose you!Watch out,Bitch!"
Sorry Anjanna.Wait,are you even worth my apologies?Oh,nevermind.ill be "kind" for once since im always "up to no good".Is this sarcastic enough,my QUEEN anjanaa<-TOTAL SUCKER.NO OFFENCE.cos its my PERSONAL OPINION.sucker.sucker.sucker.sucker.Hahahaahah.
Sam, you're irritating!!
Tsk. Today wasnt a fantastic day. Just an ordinary one. Excursion to the Museum tomorrow. Think Positive,Anne-Marie! Tomorrow will be a much better day!!! Yesterday was worse,almost killed Sam.-he left his sweaty pe t-shirt and shorts on my table!!!i mean cant he keep his "personal belongings" himself???im not a clean freak,but he is old enough to keep his "personal belongings".i mean he wore that IN HIS BODY BEFORE PUTTING IT ON MY TABLE. Cant i have a little respect here?im not his "maid" or "laundry basket"!!!But,i have made the right choice of friends(: Thanks Janet,Darrel&Stephanie for the "comforting"..felt much much much better after that!Thanks alot,Guys!(:
Bad Day today.Quite pissed with someone.Tsk."Tomorrow will be a better day!"Think Positive.Think Positive.
Love my english results(:
Hate my Math&Chinese Results:(
Bad Day today.Quite pissed with someone.Tsk."Tomorrow will be a better day!"Think Positive.Think Positive.
Love my english results(:
Hate my Math&Chinese Results:(
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