Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Some people have nothing better to do.

Hi, quick update.

Had tuition today. Jingyew and Brandon were snatching over my electronic eraser. O:

P.S:/ I don't bother replying tags that have no god damn names, for god's sake, your parents gave you a name to be proud of. If you want to scold me, hide behind the computer for what. Oh, and so what if i fat. Think i dumb or what. I also know i fat lah. It's like who are you to tell me what i am. Shitass can. & Also, your looks may not be your everything bodoh. So what if you have looks, what can it do. Unless you intend to be a prostitute then, yeah you need looks and that bleddy figure lah. But i don't intend to be one. So who cares? & is there a problem if i wanna be fat or not? And Sam, what the hell is your problem? You where not happy?! Tell me straight in my face, k. Don't hide behind the god damn computer please. Tyvm. You're just plain childish whoever you are. Grow up please. Stop being a soreloser, k.Thank you very much, childish losers.

1 comment:

Samng said...

stupid auntie.useless.you childish.very aunty act.hahahaha.keep saying me.nevermind but you ammit that you are aunty.omg,she is aunty still got person rape her.