Yesterday, 23 May 2009.
The Amazing Race ;D
(Click for a bigger image;D)
Team-mates! ;D [Lols, i have 2 more pictures, i'll upload next time. The other photo's are with the game masters;B]
Seriously, even though we didn't finish the race, i had truckloads of fun. The amazing race rocked my socks. i enjoyed it, even thought our seniors said we weren't enthu. and cos, we slacked ALOT. but its okay, all it matters is that i had fun.
Okay, i dont know if the directions given were exactly clear. Senior said our first stop was to go Cathay Building. So janet took out her directory and started looking for the place called Cathay Building. But uh, we gave up searching for the goddamn place. Later, we were given tiny maps.. so we saw that the Cathay Building was near Dhoby Ghoat MRT. So i was like its not Cathay Building uhs... its Cathay Cineleisure.(or is it another name for it? Lols. idk.)
So i MRT-ed with Janet, Darrel and JiaHao to Dhoby Ghoat MRT from CCK MRT. it took 47 minutes to reach, damn long can. That trip almost killed my day. We sat on the MRT floor like some, kindergarden children. Lols.
After 47 minutes, we reached Dhoby Ghoat MRT. Chiong-ed up the stairs. Saw those dumbo express people. HAHAHAHS. Searched for the sign that said Cathay Cineleisure. Found it. Damn happy. Sad for those express dumbo's uhs... [they went the wrong way:B] LOLS! So obviously, we couldn't be bothered to tell them that they went the wrong way uhs.. We jay-walked. Reached the cathay cineleisure uhs.. saw another team left the area. that team is so fcuking fast, i tell you. its like they just reached there, and whoa-laa, they're gone. Whatever, we went one to game masters, did some fill-in-the-blanks game. Jiahao saved our team, cos he found this thing at the end, with our answer for that fill-in-the blank thingy. Jiahao, don't say i never gve you credit uhs.. i give you credit le hor!
After this station, we went to er, Raffles Standing Area. (according to 106 AIC.) So we MRT-ed to City hall, alighted, passed some c____ bridge. Made our way to RAFFLES STANDING AREA. Then then, we happy happy go there, they tell us, its the wrong place. We were suppose to go to raffles LANDING area. We were like, say what?! Then bopian, after 20 plus minutes, we reached Raffles landing area. Then we had to do some history questions.. and some memorising was needed. So janet and i was looking all over for the answers, and guess what. We saw Jiahao and Darrel buying ice-cream. Whoa. They very pro can.. Lols! Okay then, my feet, at the back, started to hurt, they i go check why it was so pain, i was like shit, its a goddamn blister. Its was omglishly pain, okay! S o i went to take my plaster, so the skin will stop peeling and it wont hurt that much. Then later i saw Darrel also got blisters, so offered him plasters, then yeah, carried on with the game. Er, i forgot the next station.. Skip Skip:B
i have 0% clue what station this is uh. But we cheated:B We taxi-ed for free, thanks to the uncle. Lol. it was like walking distance, yet we took the taxi. But i was free. so yeah, went outside to the temple and answered questions. Hahahahs. Then we answered 5 questions, got 1 wrong. So one person had to do it. Jiahao did it. the forfeit was to butt-write our next location, i tell you, i was darn funny. HAHAHAHAS. i was laughing my head off. Lols. Quite humiliating also uhs. Our next stop was, the fullerton. Walked back to the c_____ bridge, and taadaa.. fullerton! Hahhahas. sO had to find some answers. Asked the reception, and then must take group photo. Dude, i hate this alrights? JanetNg go push me to Darrel sia. Walao. Tsk. Lols. Okay, then our next location was fort canning i think. Yeah, got lost. I was like standing under the scorching sun. I was melting!! Then must climb so dumbo steps, which was so friggin high, my blister worsened.. so it was fcuking pain. Eventually made my way up. Almost died. Really. Then its like we walk walk walk, then found gothnic gate, asked this sec2 group for directions, and we found the game masters. [so fcuking lazy to update, whatever happened during the amazing race. i shall skip to the part where we slacked at some noodles shop.] 7th station, and we gave up. Great. Lols. then we slack slack at clarke quay. went into some non-airconditioned noodle shop. Jiahao and Darrel ate some noodle thingy. Darrel's treat. Lols. HAHAHAHAHS. Then we slowly walk back to the black raffles statue there to gather, slacked and gossip-ed with jiahao and janet. Darrel just emo-ed at the corner. Lols. Darrel, you very tired ahs? Lols. then had debrief. Janet's daddy came fetching her home. So good uhs, Janet!! i envy you :( So i MRT-ed home with Darrel and JiaHao.. Pfft. Then, i took out earphone and listened to music throughout the trip. Jiahao slept in the train. Lols. Didn't talk in the train to darrel uhs:B Jiahao alighted at woodlands, then he messaged Darrel - Talk to her uhs. Walao ehs. Jiahao you damn pro hor. -.-" Okay whatever. Alighted at YewTee. Bye-ed to Darrel. HAHHAHAS. Okay, then hopped into Daddy's car, went to malaysia. Taataa. That's all, i guess? Lols. Whoa. Long post ehs;D
Sometimes, i wonder, if i really exists in your world. Sometimes, i think i'm transparents in front of you. It's like you can't see me. you ignore me. The worst of all, you end our conversations. i wonder, if i should just give up on you and move one. I know, i'm not the best. But i'm trying my very best to improve. If you think its the end, tell me. I'll let go. And give way.
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