Tuesday, 30 June 2009
This happy girl is free of Sam :D
Here to update, since it seems that my blog is dying cos the holidays are over D:
Oh and yes yes. I'm Sam-Free :O No, it's not some H1N1 virus or whatsoever. I'm not sitting with Sam. Whoo! I am Sam-free. Now, Shana and shukery is the poor one.. They sitting next to him. Sad, for them.
New arrangement. 5 rows of fours, 5 per side. Sitting together with Tinghui, Jiahao and Grace. Happy sia. Oh, and stephanie is behind me :DDD Saw class photo today. I looked damn unglam, trust me. Damn unglam.! Whatfuck. Like shit like that. Tsktsk. I wanna take again!!! Uh D: I'm buying all 4 shots though. Hee, d&t was funnnnnnnnnnnnn ;DD But the new chinese teacher suckxz... Really some old hag. Walaoxz. Give us old hag D:
Gonna watch transformers later, with Bonfurt korkor and his friends together with and mummy and daddy.(?) Haha.
Something is wrong somewhere. I am not enjoying that moment, anymore. I wish i could do so though, and i am trying my best. But i just can't do it. I really do wish that everything was like before. Life was simple and sweet then. I need to turn the clock back. Really, i need to forget about another person also.
Sunday, 28 June 2009
Omg. Alvis is soooooo cute ;D
Mummy and Daddy was hogging my computer just now )':
If not for them, i would have added you guys on MSN. Haha, no la. Joking.
Had loads of fun webcamming with Da kor kor, esther jiejie. And of course my dear dear nephew, Alvis ;D
Omg, Alvis you're damn cute ah. Anne-Marie ahyi so lonog never see you le. Hope to visit you in France soon? Hopefully this December yeah. Love and stay cute. Win more go-kart medals for me to see, okay? All the best for your 3rd race next month :D And the next time i see you, please don't pull my hair. Haha, Okay. Loves,
Oh, yes. Yes, that's my cute nephew. Haha, he looks so cute in that suit yeah? No? Haha.

P.S/ I've changed my email to hit.thestreets@hotmail.com . Please add me. Thanks ;D
Sorry for the trouble,
[/edited] I have not added all those in my contact list yet. I've stopped at those who has email starting with an 'e', but if you can please do add me, Thanks.
Ohmyf. I'm bored.
Ohmyf. For the first time, i'm boreddddddddd D: (?)
Haha, School is going to start tomorrow. Fuck, i'm not prepared. And yes, i dread school. Damn the goverment! H1N1 so many cases already, why can't they extend the school holidays?! Walaoxz. And my fringe is damn short uhs, it hasn't grown since D: How to go school tomorrow?! I look like shit, if you see my pictures below D:
Shuckxz la. Tomorrow got attire-check somemore :O That makes things even worse.
Stephanie dearrrrrr. Remember to act guai-guai kaycxz. Lol, no folding of skirts, fringe pinned up. Will we be that guai tomorrow anots :O Haha, i doubt so (?) And i need to say, that the relay system is hopeless. It always ge cut somewhere, it never reaches the end. Hopeless manxcz.
To those that haven't recieve the relay message, for those in 1A only.
Please bring your stuffs for the following subjects:
English Read.
And do remeber to bring your travel declaration form and report book. See you guys tomorrow!
Was talking to Pin Wei just now about @$#^%&^@@!**#@%^$%& (Secret :D) He was quite boliao over the phone. But i was bored anyway so i talked to him, if not i would just hang up :B HAHA. Janet called, then i hang up on him. Opps. Haha, no la. He said he wanted to call Stephanie so he hanged up. Lol.
To a zharbor that i can't stand :
You crazy little zharbor. Ugh, first thing first. I can't stand your face lah. Please, you go those oh-please-pity- me kinda of face, which i can't stand. And please please stop copying whatever i do. The MSN name and everything. Please have a sense of originality. Your blog too uh. Please change do change the way you reply your tags. It's exactly the same as mine. whatfuck. It's not as if you used that method of reply tags before me. It's the other way round. I heard you got the same bag as me?! Exact colour and everything. Get a life, please. People like you, uh. One word - Bitch. Sorry if i was harsh or anything and you should know this sentence didn't come from the bottom of my heart. Okay, shan't waste my time on you any further. Buhbyexz.
Ohmyf. I seriously hate copycats. I repeat. I HATE COPYCATS. Think twice before you act, girl.
Friday, 26 June 2009
final destination 4.

Can't wait. Who want jio me out go watch? :D
Thursday, 25 June 2009
new blogskin :D
I just finished Ms. Teoh's compo which will be sent for a competition(?) Haha, i won't be chosen. As usual, i maxed the word limit. And i think i wrote out of point.
Here's my compo.
Imagine if everyone in the world was polite enough to say ‘thank you’ something that someone did. That simple ‘thank you’ word can probably light up a person’s day. And this simple task of saying ‘thank you’ goes on and on.
But, not everyone is like that. Take Sarah for example. She used to be a really spoilt brat. She was really rude and never said ‘thank you’ for anything anyone has done for her, everyone was practically her slaves. She has little friends due to her spoilt attitude.
It was until one day, when a new girl, Nicole was transferred to the school. She was polite, popular and had many friends. Sarah started to envy her. She went home to reflect on what she had done to her peers in the past. She realized that many people hated her for who she was. From that day on, Sarah admired Nicole. She wanted to make friends with her.
When Sarah asked Nicole if they could be friends, Nicole instantly agreed to it. Everyone was shocked when Nicole wanted to be friends with that spoilt brat. People started talking behind Nicole’s back but she that didn’t stop her from being friends with Sarah. That made them closer. The two girls started hanging out every now and then. They often have heart-to-heart chats too.
Nicole then realized why the rest of the school disliked Sarah so much. But Nicole didn’t just leave Sarah in the lurch. She taught Sarah the way to be polite. That way, more people will have a form a respect for her. The process of transforming a rude girl into someone polite is not easy. But Nicole didn’t give up on Sarah.
Instead, she spends every afternoon with her, trying to make some sense into her. Months passed and Sarah gradually became more polite. She started to have more friends too. The day before Graduation, Sarah whispered a sweet ‘thank you’ into Nicole’s ear. She thanked her patience and everything she had done for her. That simple ‘thank you’ brightened up Nicole’s day and it made her feel that whatever she had done for Sarah is worth the while.
If the world, had just a few people like Nicole. The world will be a much better place to live in.
Haha, my compo isn't fantastic. Therefore you people shouldn't read it. It's kinda out of point too.
Hahhaa. Enjoy straining your eyes to read it, yeah :D
Oh, and the school holidays will not be extended. Sad la. School will be as usual, which is starting in 3 days time. Holy shyt crap. I have 2 undone homeowork. Geog and letter writing. I may not want to do geog. Haa, see how first.
Omg, suddenly i'm looking forward to for club sessions. Maybe Sexayye Family is the cause of it. Sexayye Family rocks your sockxz :D
i shall change my blogskin
Let see, i haven't done my retarded homework yets :O I'm left with Geog, English and this extra compo Ms. Teoh made me do. Tsk. I'll do that later, i shall do some blogskin searching now. Hopefully, i find something nice ;D
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Sexayye Family rocks :D
Haha, i'm sure Farah and Joanna will agree with me. They are my sexayye sisters, Haha. Yesterday's club session was fun, slacked as usual with Sexayye Family, except some. Haa. Farah and Joanna came up with the idea to start a family. Then we started recruiting family members. Though we kept changing our parents :O
At first, Wendell was Mummy. And Kokchung was Daddy. Then change to Wendell, Daddy. and Terence Mummy. (But Terence obviously wasn't well like by all all the 'kids' as he was the step-mum, who tried to seduce Wendell daddy.) Then today, Wendell daddy divorced Terence, our step laobu. Haha. Good yeah. Now, change too. Max as mummy, my new laobu. But then, Max don't one lehx. Heck care him? :O This family has alooooooooot of family matters and shall be solved soon; hopefully. Haha. Darrel said this is lame, so walaoxz right? Tsk, whatever la. Haa.
Today, had loads of fun with Farah and Joanna again, my good sexayye sisters yeah! Haha. Had boring course again. by jiewei luhs. Totally wasn't listening to him. Haahaa. Was talking to Joanna all the way. Oh, and Terence - my ex-step lao bu never come today. Had world peace (?) Haha, then Joanna and i started to high again la. We wanted to tattoo our hands :O i sound ahlian hor. But but, i'm not ah! (Cherie steady said this :B) So we tattoed our arm there and wrote ' Sexayye Family.♥' Haha, nice uhs. LOLOLOL. Then we went around like so retard, asking anyone from Sexayye Family who want draw their hands like us, nobody wants! Sad uh )': Only Farah want, my good sisterrrrrr :D
While slacking, Joanna and i tattoed our ankles too. This time, we drew stars! Haha. Slack, slacked, Senior gave us early lunch. Yay. Bused to Lot1 with Joanna and Farah. Went to macdonalds. Gossiped a little, tried to cheer Farah up. Walked to basement buy bubbletea :D Went to roofgarden to camwhore and hang :D We decided to go back to roofgarden next wednesday, again. To play water! Remember to bring black tee yeah :DOkay, peekcha's time. (Some are unglam uh, pardon us :D)

More peekcha's shall be uploaded on facebook tomorrow.
Oh my god, i think i'm starting to fall in love with Sexayye Family :D
And, i love those group peekcha's of us.
If i could turn the clock back, i wouldn't have done many.
Sunday, 21 June 2009
Once again, Nat Ho is hot :D
Just finished printing all those dumb ass-ed homework, retardedly true huh? Haha, cleared my mail. I had 247 mail uncleared :B Mostly forwarded mail .. Junk. Going out for dinner soon. Yesterday's channel 5 movie, Angel rocked huh?! Yes, yes. Of course it rocked, with Nat Ho in it, what's there not to rock :D
Movie ended, head for my room. Kept texting Cherie Steady and Vanessa Baby! Haha, keep text text text. Text until sleepy can! Haha,
OH! and Stephanie and i know who that person who commented in 1A class blog as 'someone from 1a' is already. HAHAHA. i shall not reveal who the person is, as it is a very lame thing to create such a retard blog, just to say who you like?! I mean, the person didn't specify who he like, but it's kinda obvious la. What do you think we are? 3 year olds?! I'm not revealing your name is because you're acting like a fucktard and the blog posts sound totally retarded. (See, i'm kind. I didn't say who you are. But once school starts, i think everyone will know who you are since you joined the 'reborn' group in fb :D) And, if you just want to get attention out of this, let me tell you something, you ain't gaining anything from it, you're just making yourself look stupid
If this post of mine is affecting that 'someone from 1a' fellow then, i'm sorry. But this is how i feel about you, really. And i can't stand how stupid you are trying to make yourself look. Hee :D
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Nat Ho is effing hot!!!!
I'm currently watching Angel. and NAT HO IS EFFING HOT, i tell you. EFFING HOT. He so freaking tanned, Hah which makes him look soooooooooooo hot la. Haha, i have a whole new family.. Introducing, STEPHANIE - Dear. CHERIE - Steady. VANESSA - Baby. HAHAHA. Okay, lame. Nat Ho shall be my husband someday ;D HAHA. Nah, he's way too old.. Laughs!
and, i shall be Darrel's twin sister in our next lives ;D
Cherie's pressuring for the MSN codes, i shall accompany my steady now.
Buhbyexz blog !
I cut my fringe )':
(I'll make this post short yeah.)
Went to BPP to do pedicure and cut my hair and fringe today, my fringe damn short la. Sad, Thanks to Stephanie Dear, i wasn't bored during my haircut, she messaged me throughtout! Thanks, Dear ;D Haha, we reminded each other that Monday, will have attire check. Tsk. No folding of skirts, Hair done properly - All clipped up. Tsk, scolded ____. Haha. Talked on the phone with her for awhile. Then mummy ask me to stop talking )':
Sigh, Dear jio me go chalet with her tomorrow but i can't go.. )': She also jio me go Escape and Wild wild wet i also can't go )':
Sorry Dear, I've got club session. Cannot pon. Go next time with you yeah ;D
Singapore's telemovie, Angel is starting sooon ;D So gonna catch it, Nat Ho's in it ;DD
HAHA. Okay, buhbyexzzz.
(End of post, see? I said i'll made it short and i did ;D)
Thursday, 18 June 2009
This post has no title.
Man, haven't done those english homework ms teoh gave .__. Damn la. Tsk. Nevermind, i'll mug tomorrow - hopefully. Oh, yes. Adeline 妹妹 is having chalet tomorrow.. Sorry mei, can't attend your chalet. Next time yeah!
Oh! One more thing, damn important la. CHERIECHEAH! When in the world are you going to upload the pictures, i want them A.S.A.P. Faster upload them on facebook lehxz. I wait very long already. Faster upload ah, or else i swear i'll appear in your dreams everynight. Tsktsk.
HAHA. This blog is like soooooo dead, no one's visiting it )':
P.S: I decided to unlock this blog again since blogger won't allow me to invite more than 100 people to read this blog )’:
Anne-Marie waves bye to everyoneeeeeeeee !
i love you not because of who you are but because of who i am, when i am with you.. Within you, i lose myself. Without you, i find myself wanting to be lost again. And if i ever knew what love is, it is because of you.
Tuesday, 16 June 2009
6Love08' Class Gathering.
I'm back from 6 Love 08' Gathering ;D Class gathering rocked la. Haha.Woke up at 8 plus 9, washed up and dressed up. Used the computer and updated facebook. MSNed Jesselyn, called Vanessa. Arranged to meet Venise, Vanessa and Jesselyn at BPP at 10.30. Wasn't late this time ;D Okay, fine. I was. But i wasn't as late as Jesselyn and Venise. Haha.
Walked around BPP, went to basement to buy bubble tea. Saw Jesselyn and Venise at mac. LRT-ed with them to CCK. Then then we go Lot1 to hang for awhile, while waiting for the rest who was reallyyyy late D: Jesselyn wanted to take neoprints, so go arcade there to hanghang. Waited for Vanessa to change, since she came in her STC uniform .___. Venise, Jesselyn and i hid in the neoprint booth. Vanessa couldn't find us. HAHA. Went to exchange for coins, neoprint-ed. Posed like some unglam drama queens :B Jesselyn was uber drama. Haha.Done with neoprinting. Jesselyn and i decorated the pictures. Then Venise and Vanessa damn bad la. Go pangseh me and Jesselyn. Then while decorating, Jesselyn decided to put this shit on Vanessa's face .__. Haha. uber funny. Took super long to decorate, must make nice nice right?! Then printed it out, cut. Walked round in circles, couldn't find that two who pangseh us. Tsktsk. Called them, realised that they were in comics connection. On the way down, Saw Naomi and Khaiting ;D
The rest said they will be going there themselves so we MRT-ed to bukit batok. Bused down to west coast. Wanted to take a cab there, but then Khaiting, Naomi and Vanessa don't want. And since the bus was here, we bused there. Walk walk to west coast, chionged to the playground ;D Jesselyn and i wanted to climb da pyramid, so we pull Vanessa and Venise to climb with us. Haha. Climib one time, camwhored on top. But some childish freaks was jumping on the damn pyramid, pictures was kinda blur. Tsktsk. Went down to meet Geraldine, LiJun, Felicia and Cherie. Lunched at mac. Didn't finish eating, ran off to climb the pyramid again. This time, Jesselyn and i pulled more people up ;D HAHA. All of us reached the 'summit'. Camwhored up there again, this time with double the people. Posed for the camera like some idiots. Some damn unglam la. Cos we were lying down?! Haha. My idea ;D
Went down the pyramid again, then walk walk to 'flying fox' there. Sit one time, enough already. Too many little kids there, not fun. Can't be to totally crazy, must restrain from this, restrain from that. Troublesome! Then took our bags and went to the 'beach' there. Tsk. End up, it's no beach. Just some seawater and rocks. Sat there, emo-ed. Then camwhored again ;D Group photo this time. Then we got bored and decided to play truth or dare. Don't know how we all play, play until we started prank calling people?! Firstly, is we call Joel. Haha. Vanessa said something like, she's selling breads. And that Jesselyn ah, become so effing horny lor. Said what selling sex toys. whatthehell. Tsktsk. Prank called and prank called. Haha. Cherie called Joel again, then we were like extra! They two having a 'talk', we were like lampposts! Then Geraldine, LiJun and I stole the phone from Cherie and mocked at Joel. We kept asking if he were Cherie's Boyfriend :X, Cherie. Don't paiseh yeah ;D So funny can. Had fun, went back to climb da pyramid - for the 3rd time ;D
Slack here, slack there with Cherie. Got bored. Went to mac, to enjoy air-con. End up eating Hot fudge sundae with Jesselyn. Bused home with Naomi, Vanessa, Khaiting and Cherie

Monday, 15 June 2009
Blog locked
6Love Class gathering tomorrow. Hope you guys can make it. As far as i know, Reena and LiJun are not going. I wish they were though )': Haven't seen Reena in 1234567890 days. Miss her lots. Love ya lots, bus buddy :D
As i have said in my previous post, pictures on my outing with Vanessa and Khaiting will be uploaded soon. So stop asking me to upload them. Tsktsk,
Outing with Vanessa&Ckt :D
Hello Humanxz :D
Haven't been updating (?) Nah, it's the truth la. 5 Days of no update )': HAHA. Okay, update, gonna start with outing with Vanessa and Khaiting :D
Haha. Could'nt sleep the night before. Uber excited. HAHA. Next day, woke up. Dressed up. Met Vanessa at Lot1 at 10 a.m? I forgot the timing. Haha. Met her, then we bus-ed to cineleisure, took 190. Khaiting say she'll meet us there at 11. Reached earlier than expected so we walk walk to the heeren. Reached too early, shops weren't open. Pathetic eh? Went to HMV to see Vanessa's arashi, heysayjump! crap. I was like dying la. Vanessa was running round da place like some crazy woman. She was like some tour guide. She kept explaining.. "this album ah, came out in..... blahblah" and "that album ah was japan's number one hit...". Boy, she really did her research manxz. LOL. Really dying in HMV, Vanessa kept walking in circle's. Dragged her out of HMV, like finally. Then we hungry le. So walk walk to Takashimaya. Called khaiting, and talked to cute Ye Xuan. ohmygod, he ask me to buy ice cream for him. He ask me to go to some ice cream shop beside an escalator?! Haha. Sorry ah, Ye Xuan. I never buy icecream for you )':
Went down to basement to eat. Vanessa wanted to eat Japanese, so okay lor. Eat with her. Haha. After eating damn full, walked to cineleisure, waited for khaiting. Called her a billion times to pressure her, walked round cineleisure don't know how many times. Cannot tahan already. No patience to wait anymore. Vanessa and i went to take neoprint together :D HAHA. we looked effing weird. Edited the pictures, scolded the machine. Haha. Printed them out, cut it. Ran up to the 9th floor to Kbox. Checked in, already late. Haha. Go into the room, waited for khaiting to arrive.
Khaiting arrived, ordered drinks etc. Then fiddled with the remote control, Haha. We blur queen la. Don't know how to use the crappy system. Then some chinese song auto-play. Vanessa started singing to it. Haha. Then we realised they got no taylor swift songs. Pathetic la. Haha. Ask the person how to operate the crappy machine then we selected songs, screamed throught the mike. Haha. Absolute fun ;D Took a grop photo. Cam-whored there too. Took many unglam pictures of khaiting and vanessa. and they didn't notice:B
After kbox-ing enough, ran to buy tickets for movie ; Ghost of girlfriends past. Full house. Haha. Not bad a show. But then hor, it should be rated NC! Got alot of sexual references manxz. Haha. No really. Serious. Walked around cineleisure, bout identical bands with Vanessa ;D Saw Calista. Said hi. Then left. Walked and then MRT-ed home. Went to daddy's office. and headed home. HAHA ;D I shall upload da pictures on another day, a day when i'm free.
Okay, enough of those unglam camwhoring pictures, it's facebook time. More photos on facebook yeah ;D