Haha, i'm sure Farah and Joanna will agree with me. They are my sexayye sisters, Haha. Yesterday's club session was fun, slacked as usual with Sexayye Family, except some. Haa. Farah and Joanna came up with the idea to start a family. Then we started recruiting family members. Though we kept changing our parents :O
At first, Wendell was Mummy. And Kokchung was Daddy. Then change to Wendell, Daddy. and Terence Mummy. (But Terence obviously wasn't well like by all all the 'kids' as he was the step-mum, who tried to seduce Wendell daddy.) Then today, Wendell daddy divorced Terence, our step laobu. Haha. Good yeah. Now, change too. Max as mummy, my new laobu. But then, Max don't one lehx. Heck care him? :O This family has alooooooooot of family matters and shall be solved soon; hopefully. Haha. Darrel said this is lame, so walaoxz right? Tsk, whatever la. Haa.
Today, had loads of fun with Farah and Joanna again, my good sexayye sisters yeah! Haha. Had boring course again. by jiewei luhs. Totally wasn't listening to him. Haahaa. Was talking to Joanna all the way. Oh, and Terence - my ex-step lao bu never come today. Had world peace (?) Haha, then Joanna and i started to high again la. We wanted to tattoo our hands :O i sound ahlian hor. But but, i'm not ah! (Cherie steady said this :B) So we tattoed our arm there and wrote ' Sexayye Family.♥' Haha, nice uhs. LOLOLOL. Then we went around like so retard, asking anyone from Sexayye Family who want draw their hands like us, nobody wants! Sad uh )': Only Farah want, my good sisterrrrrr :D
While slacking, Joanna and i tattoed our ankles too. This time, we drew stars! Haha. Slack, slacked, Senior gave us early lunch. Yay. Bused to Lot1 with Joanna and Farah. Went to macdonalds. Gossiped a little, tried to cheer Farah up. Walked to basement buy bubbletea :D Went to roofgarden to camwhore and hang :D We decided to go back to roofgarden next wednesday, again. To play water! Remember to bring black tee yeah :DOkay, peekcha's time. (Some are unglam uh, pardon us :D)

More peekcha's shall be uploaded on facebook tomorrow.
Oh my god, i think i'm starting to fall in love with Sexayye Family :D
And, i love those group peekcha's of us.
If i could turn the clock back, i wouldn't have done many.
I'm starting to regret my actions, every single one i did. I was just looking back at my primary school photos in facebook and the neoprints we took, i realised i have changed so much. Looking back at the video Ms Toh did for 4 Love 07', made me realise that i'm not being who i am. Who i am suppose to be. Where has the real me gone to? I changed tremendously, expecially my character. I was childish in CHIJ. But i stayed happy, in BPGHS, i have to learn to be mature. i am not enjoying all these, i need the laughter and love CHIJ has. i can laugh all i want in CHIJ and no one will think that i'm crazy or whatsoever. But each time i do so in BPGHS, some might think i have gone insane or i'm trying to attract more attention by laughing. This is not the life i want, and at this point in time, i'm not happy with myself.
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