I'm back from bintan, bet you miss me right. ^^
HAHAHA, And no, i'm still alive.
I did not sink from any sunken ships. LOL.
Apparently some people texted me to check if i was alive. O:
I'm still wonderin' if that's a good thing. HAHA.
Thanks who those that were really concerned anyw. :D
Bintan was cool. It was fun, but i didn't see any sun. >:(
So yup, no tanning for me. Aww sad much?
But it's okay, I'm going to Kuantan this friday.
More sun at the beach! :D
K yay. I went to school today. -.-
Open house. ~
Paired up w. Amanda Wong.
She's cool, hahahaha. We kept on talking about ghosts in the school.
LOL. Met Joanna, Went to lot for awhile. Then homed.
Took really little pictures for Bintan trip. But i'll take more for Kuantan okie? :D
Pictures for Bintan's., :D

Tag replies.,
Vanessa Leong., Of course we will! Luvz! :D Suhailah., Wrong link babe. You gave me your MSN. O: Thahirah., SUGAR! Hahaha thanks. Stephanie., Hi thanks. Naomi., Yup it has been a long time since we met. ): But no worries, we'll meet up soon? Love you! Cherie., Thanks steady! I did enjoy myself! :D Elaine., HAHAHA okay. Thanks for the link. Florence., Hahahah, naow your name like Lareyna's. O: Lareyna., Boomz! HAHAHA yeah your name is werry the cool. Lol. Sharon., LOL okay. I'm not really into books actually. -.- Guest., Your IT teacher? LOL! Hahaha um okay. Tsering., > Heyz. Cynthia & Tinghui., Thanks!
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