Hihihihihihi fellow losers. :D
It's only the second day of the holidays. ):
It's amazing how quickly time flies.
Secondary One Orientation seemed like it was just yesterday.
Next year is arriving in a blink of an eye. (Y)
Anyway, i'm starting to miss sisters and maybe twin. LOL.
K., i'm bored.
I'm still considering whether to do a post like yesterday's for boyf., Chace Crawford.
Hmm., I'm afraid that readers might go insane reading my posts. -.-
HAHAHA. Oh man. I'm bored. I'm bored. I'm bored.
Haihaihaihai. Blogging seems so meaningless.
Oh! There's CCA tomorrow. Sickening.!
P.S:/ Is there something wrong w. blogger.? Cos i can't seem to change my font., font size., colour of words. ):
Oh well, since when did blogger stop being a bitch?
Short post for today. K bye.
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