Soccer = want my life. I don't know how to kick the soccer ball. AND I WAS PERSPIRING LIKE PIG, wth. Was drowsy the entire day, medicine in the morning + PE = SUPER DUPER UBER TIRED. Okay fine partly cos my stamina is werry low. :P
Literature was interesting today, cos i love literature (but i hate the book.) Mr tan was talking about metaphors, i was trying to absorb as much as i could. But i kept having the tendency to close my eyes and fall asleep. Heavy eyelids, gosh. One second of closing my eyes = sleep. HAHAHA. I did doze off for a minute or so. Then i woked up cos Joey talked. -.-
Didn't had appetite for recess, went to buy a drink with stephanie and thahirah. Then went up to class, and took a nap. (Y) IPW after that, boring nuts. I only love the part when we watched the day after tomorrow :D Munirah and i kept giving away the story cos we watched the show like 1234567890 times already. Naaziya kept on disturbing Melissa. HAHAHA and then we asked Naaziya to disturb Darrel. But he didn't entertain her, he just ignore. -.-
Had chinese test today too. Gonna fail very badly. -.- Lots of words seemed like a stranger to me. HAHAHA. MATHS TEST TMR, omg. Die. AGM meeting after school, no half day for me. ):
Okay this post sound so dull right. Cos most of it was freakazoid being tired and sleepy. HAHAHA. To brighten this post up, i shall post an unglam photo of freakazoid! :D
wait for it.
still waiting for it.

boo you! :D
Anyway, do take notice of muah shirt. :D
IJ's house tee, <3
I love red house, xoxo.
HAHAHA, alrights. Ima go print the student particulars thingy for couns naow.
Buai ewerybohdee. ^^
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