Chemistry was like yawn, ms chiang kept repeating her instructions!! Omg. Hahaha. Insyirah sat beside me, yay. Last ten minutes of Chinese was like freaking funny, gosh!! I couldn't stop laughing. HAHAHA. Darrel and Pinwei wasted our time, especially Darrel. LOL like wtf. Lucky teacher didn't take away our recess time. :> Oh ya, Keon is like crazy omg. He laughs to himself or no reason. O: freaky. -.-
Recess. Went 2 find muah son. :) Son was being so tall. Ok fine my sons all taller than me. ): Anyway Pinwei say I flirt like wtf is his prob. How can a laobu flirt with her son!! -.- Then that pig was laughing away. Yawn that Timothy also. What is their prob, i dunno. Pathetic ppl. Assembly, boring lah okie. Music was alright, mrwong was 'showing off' his piano skills. But HAHA he's so funny! LOL :)
Art was sorta fun. Alot of creative thinking. Wild imagination too. And unlike it ttm. Cos crazy ppl like me do best at thinking weird/ wild things. Ok fine maybe not. MTread was awful. We learnt CNY songs. And nobody by wondergirls -.- Me don't like. But I was participating. Tserig and I was singing cny songs. mdm yati wanted 2 see me. She told me that wristbands wasn't allowed. According to stephanie, I was suppose to meet mdm yati at the back of the hall but I didn't. :P
After school. Finally darrel tan willing to stay back to do ipw, like
finally. Omg oh and finally we got a decent photo!! -.- I hid darrel tan's water bottle in muah locker so he won't run off and go home. Ok pro me. No it's pro us. Clique idea heh. :>
I swear our ipw group logo is damn cute ones!! :) Used munirah's lappy's cam to take photo. Conrad son came to find muah. He said that Stephanie is crazy. LOL. O: Tsering and I wasn't in quite a number of photos so yeah. HAHA okie bye.
Okie time for photospam!

Awesome logo done by Tsering :>
HAHAHA photos are up! There's more, all the NG photos for our IPW photos. Not sure who's holding it :P Oh and notice that there's alot of 'omg' in the post, i dunno why either.Okayz bye :)
WOW post all ehh. ;) HAHA. Munirah bro's webcammy cool huh ^^
Syafiqah HAHAHA yeah. Omg I love the cammmmmmmmmmmmm ttm!! :)
Hie just a psb here. Wat happen to your tagboard btw. & I lyke your peechas. Yr pose very unique! I lyke the nametag on head thing and the handphone thing. You're lyle in yr own world? But it's unique and classic. Stay happy.
mynameisglendah Hi. :) Laughs i deleted my tagboard. HAHAHA it is? Thank you. :) I'm in my own world? Er okay.. LOL? Thanks anyw. And yep i'll stay happy. :D
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