It all started with a single tweet, written — and subsequently deleted — by drummer Andy Hurley. In it, he said the band was on "hiatus," touching off a wave of panic among FOB fans, most of whom were already skittish that their favorite band was calling it quits.
The problem was the word itself. "Hiatus" has a rather nasty and permanent connotation these days, it seems. So when MTV News caught up with Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz at the opening of American Eagle's Times Square store in New York, he took it upon himself to set the record straight ... again.
"It's weird because, if you look it up in the dictionary, 'hiatus' is a synonym for 'a break.' We're on a break that doesn't have a definite ending. There's no ending date," Wentz said. "We've been doing this for eight years straight, where it was pre-recording, record, promo, tour, tour, pre-recording, record, tour, tour, and our band was going to imminently implode."
So, while yes, Fall Out Boy are on a "hiatus," it's not of the nasty, this-is-forever variety (something Wentz tried to explain on his own Twitter account earlier this month). It's of the ... well, perhaps there's no good way to put it, which is why Wentz decided to coin a brand-new term for his band's break.
"I don't think I would use the word 'hiatus' because I think that word has gotten a dirty name, especially if you say 'indefinite hiatus,' " he explained. "I wouldn't use the word 'breakup' because that's not true. It's a break — we're decompressing. I'm making a new term for it: we're decompressing right now."
Kk i'm very happy fall out boy isn't falling out. Hehehe. Anyway today was fun. School was rather slack. Concentrated in math ^^ Oh ya. I bought the last englishgrammar book @ bookshop today. 10 bucks gone. -.- Then pinwei, jiahao all blame me for buying the last book wth. Anyways, english was funny, we had the BP Noose Report thingy. Damn funny laas. Gonna report the weather with jiahao. We intend to have a weird accent. Jiahao gonna be Windy Miao. And i'm the survivor of the typhoon. Ok retard. Anyway he's destracting. He told me about his trip to cambodia. Then ok la, i don't wanna say about it either. Kinda gross. LOL but interesting :)
After school, headed to bugis with munirah, syafiqah and tsering :) Birthday presents, check. Ate pastamania for lunch. Yum. Headed to walk around bugis junction, then bugis street. :) Saw this super pretty limegreen iPhone cover. But it costs a freaking 18 bucks. Daylight robbery. -.- goodness.
More photos to upload, but my stupid son is rushing me.
Oh and Conrad Tan, my son is VERY handsome. (laughs.)
Ok done. Happy son? :)
WTF!!!you went to bugis nvr tell me >_< (hating you!!!)i was just at vivo... ;_;
Yoohoo. LOL Your post title is a win man, "EVERNING" out with your girlfriend. Heeeeeeee 8D
Wohooo YAY, passing by. I look like im posing in one of the photos. ;P
OMGee ... next time , if you guys go Bugis again , I follow ! I don't care . Hmph ! Btw , FALLOUT BOYS ROCK !!!!!
Vanessa Oi I got tell you what. -.- I told you I just came back from bugis.. Tsering WHOOPS!! Typo error. Hehe. Kk but I lazy to edit. Heck care lah. Quite cool also :P Syafiqah LOL Singapore's next top model :) Thahirah HAHAHA chill babe. There's always a next time :) And yep fall out boys rocks. :)
Where have u only tell me u at my sch there€_<
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