Clique left expecially early, O: Cos of some fucked up attitudes here and there. Tsering and Syafiqah wanted to stay very badly, nut couldn't. Nah i shant blog about the unhappiness and fucked up moments of the party ya? Those whom were there should know -.-
Anyway clique left, had a great catch up session with vanessa, cherie, sheryl, geraldine, adeline, venise, khaiting and lijun! 8D We ate, we laughed, and we drank beer. Ops. -winks- HAHAHA thanks to geraldine and khaiting la! Psycho everyone to drink. She make so many concoctions(?) Ok!! HAHAHA beer w sprite. beer w coke. beer w grape juice. Had fun. It was sheryl and my first drinking session. HAHAHA. Camwhored alot also :> Oh and did i mention i love unglams? HAHA. Everyone was half drunk, esp geraldine. She was like high. O:
Vanessa and Vanessa left soon after, cos venise had a major headache. O: Too much beer i guess. The rest went up to my room to camwhore and gossip. Looked at yearbooks. LAughed at how hideous some people look. HAHA. Then slowly one by one they left cos it was close to eleven! O: Geraldine and Adeline went back last, that two crazy woman. HAHAHA.
Had a hell lot of fun even tho there was a small teeny weeny prob with some people. But heck, i had so much fun. For those who came and stayed to the end, love you all. xoxo.
Woo, and i'm finally done. Bye!
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