Nihao, April fools day tmr. I totally remembered last year's april fools. I will never forget. I mean it's geraldine's birthday!! AHA, jellybean i won't forget your birthday!! <3 Miss you loads! ):
Anyway i wanna blog about Ris Low again. Apparently she's back in action. She's currently a DJ in 987fm. Like wtf! She's spoiling the reputation with her bad english. I wonder why 987 hire her man. I thought they just fired this not-so-famour-DJ cos of her bad english? ANd now they're hiring Ris Low? What can she do? Say BOOMZ and SHINGZ every 5 seconds? Goodness. She's so, um. No words can describe her, laughs. I decided to google Ris Low, and here's what i found.
"987FM DJ Rozz stomped out of her own radio talkshow barely two days into the new programme Shan, Rozz and Ris show featuring controversial desposed beauty queen Ris Low.
According to MSN Entertainment, Ris showed up two hours late on her first day at work and ended hers shift two hours earlier on the second day.
Rozz was heard as saying over the airwaves:“ ”I know people think that I shouldn’t let emotions get in the way of work but I’m just like that. I’ve decided to leave the show because at least the angry one is not here.”
Ris Low shot into national fame last year when she was stripped of her Miss Singapore World Crown following revelation that she had a past conviction of credit card fraud.
She is now trying to make a comeback in the entertainment industry.
Another 987FM radio DJ Desiree Lai posted on her twitter page:
“So Ris left early. Roz was pissed off. She left b4 show ended. Roz wants a transfer. Tom its juz Shan & Ris. Roz nw refuses 2 pick up fone.”
Despite being lampooned by some Singaporeans for being an attention-seeker, Ris Low continues to generate news wherever she goes.
It remains to be seen if the latest saga is just another PR gimmick to boost her popularity or rather notoriety.
- Temasek Review. "
"IF YOU tuned into the Shan & Rozz Show on MediaCorp's 987FM yesterday evening you would have heard Ris Low (picture), the former beauty queen.
Not as a guest - but as a radio DJ. Yes, the girl who coined words like "boomz" and "shingz" is apparently now putting her extensive vocabulary to good use on air.
Now, if only she could turn up on time for work. Yesterday, Ms Low was two hours late for the Shan, Rozz & Ris show. Her reason: "I was at the hair salon and ... blame it on the rain, it was so good for sleeping!"
Ms Low, who is no stranger to controversy, later went on to say that while she liked Mr Wee (Shan), she thought Ms Lee (Rozz) - who was sitting in front of her - was "not nice" and unfriendly. Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.
Then again, this is one girl who has done pretty much everything in the Big Book Of Wrong Things To Do (credit card fraud, using vulgarities on her blog, etc) and made headlines for all the wrong reasons (remember her performance as a condom ad spokeswoman, being molested at Park Mall).
So why is she on radio?
Today asked 987FM's senior creative director, Georgina Chang, who said: "She seems to evoke a very strong reaction from Singaporeans and the last time Shan and Rozz interviewed her, that stirred a lot of interest. I see it as a good way to pep up the evening show."
In fact, she pepped things up even before going on air, with netizens responding in force on various online forums. There have been hundreds of postings about her debut, both good and bad, and even a Facebook page, "Ris Low Is Awesome. She Makes Me Look Smart". "Is it legal to air such bad English?" Benjamin Seah posted. "She is high Ris(k) for radio, this is a new Low," posted Yu Ren Jie.
"I think Ris will add a lot of fun to the show! Her choice of words are so funny!" commented jemsified.
Ms Chang noted: "We've had a lot of people reacting strongly to the news and people claim they're not going tune in, but I know that people will tune in anyway ... even if it's just to find more things to complain about."
And what did Ms Low have to say about this brouhaha?
"I'm sure to bring more people to tune in to 987FM. I'm comfortable but I'm not sure about them. I'm settling down pretty well," said Ms Low.
Still, turning up late for a radio show that you are supposed to DJ, bad mouthing your colleagues to their face ... I've a feeling she's not going to last the week. And then we'll see who has the last laugh. -Today Online "
Honestly, i like the facebook page, Ris Low is awesome, she makes me look smart. LOLOLOL. Not trying to be mean, but it's true!! Hehe. MUAHAHAHA. Oh wellz, bye! ;)
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Nothin' On You
Hogays everyone. So long since i've blogged. HAHA. I bet you all missed me didn't cha? )': Anyway, i shall give a rly long update today, cos the-next-time-i-blog-will-be-i-dont-know-when. Heehaw. So i gace ACJC's Fun-O-Rama a miss yesterday, bet it was great. Definitely going next year with my bitch. Right right. ^^
Oh and you know what, i found something rly cool just nao. I found my primary one bag, LOL. Epic!! Hehe. Guess what it is!! Clue? I swear i'll carry it to school, if it comes back to the trend again. After all, it has gone thru so many things with me. Hehe, ^^ Shan't keep you guys in suspense anymore. My primary one bag was, was an SPI bag. I remembered it was pink . Yes it was pink, O_O No joke. In case you still don't know what's an SPI bag, it's those bulky looking bags? With loads of compartments to put your stuff. And which supposedly suppose to help your spine to have a better posture thingy. HAHAHA to think that such an obiang thing was part of the trend last time! HAHA. Coolbeans. Imagine everyone carrying a water bottle across their chests carring a file with SPI bag. Omg smart pants + nerd freaksssssssssssss. MUAHAHHAHAAHAH. Gosh! I swear it's gonna be fun seeing people like that again. LOL. I wonder if we have an International Geek Day or and International Nerd Day or some sort of thing. How cool it'll be!! People wearing huge nerd specs, with pants/ skirts above their waists with soccer like socks. WOW. HAHA. Hilarious shit. I can't imagine myself being a nerd. But sometimes, i think i'm one. HAHA. I'm a nerd at memorising tv schedules. 8D So in conclusion, i think ANYONE OR ANYBODY WHOM CARRIED AN SPI BAG BEFORE FTW. HAHA. \M/ (Y) This rocks cos i carried one before and i rock. Yay. I MISS BEING A PRIMARY ONE NERD WITH LONG SKIRTS PLUS BAGS CARRIED AS HIGH AS POSSIBLE. :P
I'm so bored, i h8 maths btw. And i finally understood factorisation. Finally got the formula of doing it. Wtf, i'm slow. (See this is what i mean when i say i get nerdy cos i cant stop yakking about maths when i get over excited. ) Sigh this post is so crappy. I prefer blooging about tvshows and hot people. I should do that soon. K bye. ;)
Oh and you know what, i found something rly cool just nao. I found my primary one bag, LOL. Epic!! Hehe. Guess what it is!! Clue? I swear i'll carry it to school, if it comes back to the trend again. After all, it has gone thru so many things with me. Hehe, ^^ Shan't keep you guys in suspense anymore. My primary one bag was, was an SPI bag. I remembered it was
I'm so bored, i h8 maths btw. And i finally understood factorisation. Finally got the formula of doing it. Wtf, i'm slow. (See this is what i mean when i say i get nerdy cos i cant stop yakking about maths when i get over excited. ) Sigh this post is so crappy. I prefer blooging about tvshows and hot people. I should do that soon. K bye. ;)
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Best Of Both Worlds
Wooweewooweepeepeedoo! I'm back from camp and i love my bed. \m/ For once in camp, i had only 1 hour sleep. HAHA. Camp was overall fun. I totally love the gossiping sessions with love. HAHA. ^^ Also had once in a lifetime experiences, like sitting in the middle of the parade square in like the wee hours of the morning, talking. h2h sessions with joanna. And napping in the parade aquare with everyone else. ;) Alvis was so awake, i mean he was the only one awake. He asked me to stay awake, since everyone else was sleeping. But i couldnt. So i slept too. How embarassing. Zz. I think he was still yakking away to himself. O_O
Oh yea, while 'star gazing', i saw two birds fly past. And i actually thought it was a shooting star!! 0: HAHA Next morning, woke up. Then had breakfast. Breakfast was quite scary. I think i drank to much Vitasoy. Now whenever is see vitasoy, it reminds me of camp. :P Had a talk with Marissa, Joanna and Farah. We were talking about relationships (?), jerks, bitches. Sighs, it makes me remeber of the past. But it was so cool. Yea. I kinda miss camp now. And i'm rly lazy to blog now. So i'd just have pixs for now.

Oh yea, while 'star gazing', i saw two birds fly past. And i actually thought it was a shooting star!! 0: HAHA Next morning, woke up. Then had breakfast. Breakfast was quite scary. I think i drank to much Vitasoy. Now whenever is see vitasoy, it reminds me of camp. :P Had a talk with Marissa, Joanna and Farah. We were talking about relationships (?), jerks, bitches. Sighs, it makes me remeber of the past. But it was so cool. Yea. I kinda miss camp now. And i'm rly lazy to blog now. So i'd just have pixs for now.
Saturday, 20 March 2010
One Of The Boys
Infocomm camp today, tiring.~ But fun, i swear i was wet throughout the games, zz. Thanks to Ming Ee and Alvin who constantly poured buckets of water over me. LOL. I'm rly rly rly rly tired nao. Sleep time is at 3, @#$@#^#?!! Don't intend to sleep anyway. Accompanying joanna sis, mugging + h2h sessions. (L) Hehe.
Horror movie this year was boomz. Totally freaked me out. Zz sec ones this year so brave. They weren't freaked out at all, fail. I feel noobkidz. Sigh, i was screaming like a total retard + hugging joanna sis at the same time. Pro much? It's so scary, its about pixs having spirits in it. Totally freaked me out until i totally wanna give up on camwhoring and taking pixs. AHAHA. I'm such a loser. I have to stop being paranoid cos i'm afraid to looks at mirrors/ i hate green light/ i hate darkness/ and skinny people, oh yes and skinny people. Cos they all depicts a pix of ghosts, Hehe.
I'M SO FUCKING TIRED NAO, I CAN DROP DEAD ON THE FLOOR AND FALL ASLEEP. SIGH, I SHALL TAKE A NAP NAO SINCE IT'S EDITING TIME. AND I'M A NOOB COS I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EDIT. AHA. Pinxiu's beside me nao and i love her cos she's my bff for the camp. We havematching identical sandals!! (Y) Oh yes, i'm so proud of myself cos i actually survived today and i didn't touch my phone. I rock, \m/
Will update more tmr. ;)
Horror movie this year was boomz. Totally freaked me out. Zz sec ones this year so brave. They weren't freaked out at all, fail. I feel noobkidz. Sigh, i was screaming like a total retard + hugging joanna sis at the same time. Pro much? It's so scary, its about pixs having spirits in it. Totally freaked me out until i totally wanna give up on camwhoring and taking pixs. AHAHA. I'm such a loser. I have to stop being paranoid cos i'm afraid to looks at mirrors/ i hate green light/ i hate darkness/ and skinny people, oh yes and skinny people. Cos they all depicts a pix of ghosts, Hehe.
Will update more tmr. ;)
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Sex on fire
Omg, i swear i'm obsessed with 16 and pregnant + teen mom on MTV. I don't know what's up with me, but i'm hooked on mtv shows. ;) And yea, i shall blog about Catelynn and Tyler from 16 and pregnant and Teen mom. I think their rly awesome, somehow. Sounds crazy but yea!! There's just so many things to talk about, hmm. But you need to watch the show to know what i'm talking about. ;)But anyway, here's a brief on my favourite couple, Catelynn and Tyler. :

"Catelynn Lowell is a junior in high school, living in Algonac, Michigan. She and her boyfriend of 3 years, Tyler Baltierra, discover that she is pregnant. Neither of them feel that their living conditions are suitable for a new child, so they decide to look into adoption, going against their parents' wishes. They settle on a couple, Brandon and Teresa, and bond with them quickly. On May 18, 2009, Catelynn gives birth to a baby girl, who is named Carolynn Elizabeth (Carly for short) by her adoptive parents. Although not initially wanting to meet the baby, Tyler and Catelynn decide that they would like to see Carly before her adoptive parents do. After meeting their daughter, Brandon and Teresa promise to keep in touch with Catelynn and Tyler throughout the years of Carly's life. When it is time to sign the adoption papers, Catelynn's mother April refuses, forcing the official handover to take place off hospital grounds. Catelynn and Tyler say that the adoption was the hardest thing they had ever had to do, but the result has brought them closer together, and they know they made the right decision for Carly." P.S:/ I actually cried when i watch them give up carly, it's just saddening!! wait til you read tyler and catelynn's letter to carly. ):

Catelynn's letter to Carly.
"Dear Carly,
From the moment I knew you were coming into this world, I loved you. Tyler and I were not sure what we were going to do at first. We both wanted to keep you and love on you forever, but we were not sure that was the best thing for you.
When I was four months pregnant, Tyler and I decided on adoption. We believe it was the best decision for you at the time in our lives. Tyler and I were both just 17 years old and inexperienced in life itself.
Hunnie, I had a hard childhood with my mother, moving all the time. She had different boyfriends coming and going in and out of my life. When it came to her children or her boyfriends, she always picked her boyfriends. I was the oldest at my house and I had a little sister and a little brother. I pretty much raised my brother until he was three years old. So it’s kind of like I was a mom for three years. I didn’t want you to be around my family smoking and swearing. I wanted what was best for you!! I knew I could not provide for you at my age, even though I wish I could of and I wish I could be your mom, but at what cost? For you to be raised how I have been raised? No! I did not want you to go through all of the same stuff I have been put through my whole life.
The first time I met your mom and dad, I knew they were the right parents for you. It was an amazing feeling. They love you so much and they will always be there for you no matter what you do in life. I wish I could have had the same.
I didn’t have support from my family, even my mom, to make an adoption plan for you. But I didn’t care. Carly, I love you soooo much that I gave you to your mom and dad so you would have an amazing life, and have a chance in this world. I always wonder what you will think in the future, like why did I do what I did. Carly, I was 16, I had no job, no way to support myself furthermore ... How could I support a child? Of course I wanted to be your mother, I just didn’t want you to be punished for my decisions.
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday; you were perfect and looked just like Tyler as an infant, but as you get older you look more and more like me! You were born on May 18th at 10:39 am 7lbs, 4 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. I held on to you for hours while Tyler and I told you how much we loved you and that you meant the world to us. I remember you hearing my voice for the first time and you looked up at me, it was like you were really listening to us. We cried, laughed and never wanted that moment to end. When we first saw you all we could do was stare, you were gorgeous. Then the day came when Tyler and I had to hand you off to your mom and dad. It was the worst but best day of my life. We both held on to you crying for an hour straight. We didn’t want to let you go but we knew we had to. That was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. We wanted to be able to raise you, but when you have children you have to make sacrifices for them, and I think ours was the hardest sacrifice of all.
Carly please do not think that I don’t think about you. There’s not a day that you don’t pass my mind. It sucks because I have to miss out on so much in your life, like you growing and becoming the beautiful woman I know you will be. I’m not there for your first steps, or your first words. That saddens me but I know it will be ok, that those are some of my sacrifices for you. I will always be here for you, too, and I believe and pray that one day Tyler, you, and I will have a wonderful relationship. Just always remember that I LOVE YOU! Even though I’m not always there, I’m always in your heart and you're in mine. Just like our bracelets! I love you Carly and I hope you always know that.
Love Always and Forever,

Tyler's letter to Carly.
"To My Little Girl,
First off, I want to tell you I love you so much. Words could never explain the love a father has for his daughter. I know I'm not with you right now but I am in your heart always.
You came into this world as an unsuspected surprise of joy. When your mom and I found out that she was pregnant with you, we didn't know what we were going to do. We were so young and inexperienced in life yet. After thinking and thinking and thinking we came to the decision that adoption was the best choice for you. We knew that's what we needed to do in order for you to have the best life.
I love you so much, sweetheart. I actually love u so much where I can detach myself from you to give you a better life. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy for your mom or me. I believe that as a parent you have to make sacrifices for your children, and losing you was my sacrifice; my emotional distress was my sacrifice, and not having you in my life was my sacrifice. I only did it to deliver with the absolute best that I could, for you and you only.
The moment I found out you were going to be brought into this world you became exactly that ... my world. Me and your mom were very young and knew that you didn't deserve to be raised and brought into our unstable lives -- it's just not fair to you, and that's all I ever think about is you. Honey, you are my strength through this, you have no clue how hard this is to give you away. I knew from the start that this would be the best for you. I know it sounds crazy that it would be hard as a parent to give their child the best, but when you are a parent and giving your child the best includes not having your child it becomes the most important and hardest decision.
This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. The thought of what kind of dad I wanted to be and what you deserve just didn't mix. It's very hard to admit that you don't deserve me as your dad, but that comes with maturity and you have to be mature to be a parent. You were innocent. You didn't ask to be brought into this world and you didn't choose your parents. Your mom and me made an irresponsible mistake not using protection. I will not punish you for that.
My little baby girl, you are everything to me and so much more. That's why I gave you the parents you deserve. I just want you to know that you were my first and I will always love you no matter what. I think about you everyday. You are everything to me. I don't EVER, EVER want you to think I didn't want you. I would have loved to keep you and squeeze you everyday and see that beautiful face every morning. I would have loved to let you ride on my back and be that little pony you always wanted ... but it wasn't about what I wanted. It was about you and what was best for you.
I know I missed out on a lot of things in your life, but you will always be a part of my heart and you will always be my little girl. If and whenever you miss me, just put your hand over your heart and count those beats ... I am in every one of them forever. You will never be alone in this world and don't ever forget that. I love you forever, that's why I picked out that special word on the back your blanket that you will never go away, baby girl. You're my heart, my air, my soul and my spirit. You are every breath I take and every beat in my heart ... without you I wouldn't be able to live. I will always love you ... you are in my thoughts every day.
Your Daddy"
It's a total tearjerker, cos you see, Tyler was such a jerk. But at least he stayed with Catelynn thru it all. And end up being her husband and being hers forever. Unlike the other bastards that left other teen moms, on the show. _|_ I don't know if it's just me, but i think Tyler deserves a standing ovation. All guys should be like Tyler ;)
And a picture to end this off, Carly with her Adoptive parents ;)

Aww how sweet!! But srsly, i think Tyler and Catelynn would make the family more complete.(i couldnt find the pix with tyler and catelynn together with carly at the hospital) HAHAHA.
I also found their People's magazine interview. HAHA. I think the full story is in it. (click to enlarge)

Infocomm camp tmr. Haven't packed. Gosh. Will be back on saturday, ;)
xoxo, <3

"Catelynn Lowell is a junior in high school, living in Algonac, Michigan. She and her boyfriend of 3 years, Tyler Baltierra, discover that she is pregnant. Neither of them feel that their living conditions are suitable for a new child, so they decide to look into adoption, going against their parents' wishes. They settle on a couple, Brandon and Teresa, and bond with them quickly. On May 18, 2009, Catelynn gives birth to a baby girl, who is named Carolynn Elizabeth (Carly for short) by her adoptive parents. Although not initially wanting to meet the baby, Tyler and Catelynn decide that they would like to see Carly before her adoptive parents do. After meeting their daughter, Brandon and Teresa promise to keep in touch with Catelynn and Tyler throughout the years of Carly's life. When it is time to sign the adoption papers, Catelynn's mother April refuses, forcing the official handover to take place off hospital grounds. Catelynn and Tyler say that the adoption was the hardest thing they had ever had to do, but the result has brought them closer together, and they know they made the right decision for Carly." P.S:/ I actually cried when i watch them give up carly, it's just saddening!! wait til you read tyler and catelynn's letter to carly. ):

Catelynn's letter to Carly.
"Dear Carly,
From the moment I knew you were coming into this world, I loved you. Tyler and I were not sure what we were going to do at first. We both wanted to keep you and love on you forever, but we were not sure that was the best thing for you.
When I was four months pregnant, Tyler and I decided on adoption. We believe it was the best decision for you at the time in our lives. Tyler and I were both just 17 years old and inexperienced in life itself.
Hunnie, I had a hard childhood with my mother, moving all the time. She had different boyfriends coming and going in and out of my life. When it came to her children or her boyfriends, she always picked her boyfriends. I was the oldest at my house and I had a little sister and a little brother. I pretty much raised my brother until he was three years old. So it’s kind of like I was a mom for three years. I didn’t want you to be around my family smoking and swearing. I wanted what was best for you!! I knew I could not provide for you at my age, even though I wish I could of and I wish I could be your mom, but at what cost? For you to be raised how I have been raised? No! I did not want you to go through all of the same stuff I have been put through my whole life.
The first time I met your mom and dad, I knew they were the right parents for you. It was an amazing feeling. They love you so much and they will always be there for you no matter what you do in life. I wish I could have had the same.
I didn’t have support from my family, even my mom, to make an adoption plan for you. But I didn’t care. Carly, I love you soooo much that I gave you to your mom and dad so you would have an amazing life, and have a chance in this world. I always wonder what you will think in the future, like why did I do what I did. Carly, I was 16, I had no job, no way to support myself furthermore ... How could I support a child? Of course I wanted to be your mother, I just didn’t want you to be punished for my decisions.
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday; you were perfect and looked just like Tyler as an infant, but as you get older you look more and more like me! You were born on May 18th at 10:39 am 7lbs, 4 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. I held on to you for hours while Tyler and I told you how much we loved you and that you meant the world to us. I remember you hearing my voice for the first time and you looked up at me, it was like you were really listening to us. We cried, laughed and never wanted that moment to end. When we first saw you all we could do was stare, you were gorgeous. Then the day came when Tyler and I had to hand you off to your mom and dad. It was the worst but best day of my life. We both held on to you crying for an hour straight. We didn’t want to let you go but we knew we had to. That was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. We wanted to be able to raise you, but when you have children you have to make sacrifices for them, and I think ours was the hardest sacrifice of all.
Carly please do not think that I don’t think about you. There’s not a day that you don’t pass my mind. It sucks because I have to miss out on so much in your life, like you growing and becoming the beautiful woman I know you will be. I’m not there for your first steps, or your first words. That saddens me but I know it will be ok, that those are some of my sacrifices for you. I will always be here for you, too, and I believe and pray that one day Tyler, you, and I will have a wonderful relationship. Just always remember that I LOVE YOU! Even though I’m not always there, I’m always in your heart and you're in mine. Just like our bracelets! I love you Carly and I hope you always know that.
Love Always and Forever,

Tyler's letter to Carly.
"To My Little Girl,
First off, I want to tell you I love you so much. Words could never explain the love a father has for his daughter. I know I'm not with you right now but I am in your heart always.
You came into this world as an unsuspected surprise of joy. When your mom and I found out that she was pregnant with you, we didn't know what we were going to do. We were so young and inexperienced in life yet. After thinking and thinking and thinking we came to the decision that adoption was the best choice for you. We knew that's what we needed to do in order for you to have the best life.
I love you so much, sweetheart. I actually love u so much where I can detach myself from you to give you a better life. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy for your mom or me. I believe that as a parent you have to make sacrifices for your children, and losing you was my sacrifice; my emotional distress was my sacrifice, and not having you in my life was my sacrifice. I only did it to deliver with the absolute best that I could, for you and you only.
The moment I found out you were going to be brought into this world you became exactly that ... my world. Me and your mom were very young and knew that you didn't deserve to be raised and brought into our unstable lives -- it's just not fair to you, and that's all I ever think about is you. Honey, you are my strength through this, you have no clue how hard this is to give you away. I knew from the start that this would be the best for you. I know it sounds crazy that it would be hard as a parent to give their child the best, but when you are a parent and giving your child the best includes not having your child it becomes the most important and hardest decision.
This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. The thought of what kind of dad I wanted to be and what you deserve just didn't mix. It's very hard to admit that you don't deserve me as your dad, but that comes with maturity and you have to be mature to be a parent. You were innocent. You didn't ask to be brought into this world and you didn't choose your parents. Your mom and me made an irresponsible mistake not using protection. I will not punish you for that.
My little baby girl, you are everything to me and so much more. That's why I gave you the parents you deserve. I just want you to know that you were my first and I will always love you no matter what. I think about you everyday. You are everything to me. I don't EVER, EVER want you to think I didn't want you. I would have loved to keep you and squeeze you everyday and see that beautiful face every morning. I would have loved to let you ride on my back and be that little pony you always wanted ... but it wasn't about what I wanted. It was about you and what was best for you.
I know I missed out on a lot of things in your life, but you will always be a part of my heart and you will always be my little girl. If and whenever you miss me, just put your hand over your heart and count those beats ... I am in every one of them forever. You will never be alone in this world and don't ever forget that. I love you forever, that's why I picked out that special word on the back your blanket that you will never go away, baby girl. You're my heart, my air, my soul and my spirit. You are every breath I take and every beat in my heart ... without you I wouldn't be able to live. I will always love you ... you are in my thoughts every day.
Your Daddy"
It's a total tearjerker, cos you see, Tyler was such a jerk. But at least he stayed with Catelynn thru it all. And end up being her husband and being hers forever. Unlike the other bastards that left other teen moms, on the show. _|_ I don't know if it's just me, but i think Tyler deserves a standing ovation. All guys should be like Tyler ;)
And a picture to end this off, Carly with her Adoptive parents ;)

Aww how sweet!! But srsly, i think Tyler and Catelynn would make the family more complete.

I also found their People's magazine interview. HAHA. I think the full story is in it. (click to enlarge)

Infocomm camp tmr. Haven't packed. Gosh. Will be back on saturday, ;)
xoxo, <3
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Ain't No Way
Wanted to do a long post today, but i'm to lazy to write everthing in reverse. HAHA. So a few sentences just to wrap up today. ;) Infocomm camp in 2 days!! Eggcited! I shall conference with thahirah and brian naow. Bye.
[/edited] Oh yea, brian daddy is an apple freak. O: (Syafiqah agreees with me cos when we pass by an apple shop, we immediately think of brian. HAHA) K retarded/
Wanted to do a long post today, but i'm to lazy to write everthing in reverse. HAHA. So a few sentences just to wrap up today. ;) Infocomm camp in 2 days!! Eggcited! I shall conference with thahirah and brian naow. Bye.
[/edited] Oh yea, brian daddy is an apple freak. O: (Syafiqah agreees with me cos when we pass by an apple shop, we immediately think of brian. HAHA) K retarded/
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Send it on
I'm a happy galz today cos I made loads of new friends. (Y) Kudos to me! Hehehe!! Raffles Girls School Peer Support Sharing 2010' today wasn't as boring as I thought it would be. :) Met up with Marzuq, Pinxiu, Siying, Shafwanah @ cck. Then bused down to rgs. Registered then we got our tees. Omg I swear te tee is te biggest one ive ever gotten! It's like a dress!! Haha. Got into our respective groups. All of us we in different groups, fyi. Kinda glad that I came for it, (cos I didn't want to in the first place hehe) Yes and I made awesome new friends like Vivian, Einson, Yuan rong, Esther, Meng yuan, Hilary, Dania and of course the wonderful facilitators, Yin wen and Janne. :) Our group name is Louis Braille. Hehe. Today's been really cool yet exciting. Making new friends rocked, expecially from different schools. And it's kinda cool cos we all have mutual friends. Hehe. Oh yeah Einson's from School of the Arts and it's like so cool. Omg. They're like omg okay. So cool. Kay vivian is like so interesting. She knows like so many people!! and she collects fullscap paper of different schools. How cool is that! ;)
They're a rly fun bunch of people to hang with. I'm so glad i spent 10 hours enjoying an learning with these awesome people. It's just totally cool. It was kinda a pity that I didn't join them for the group dinner @ orchard. But I'm sure we'll a meet up again sometime soon since we have each other's number/ msn and fb. 8D Pixs will be up, tmr? :) This is like a really cool post cos I used alot of cool words in it. HAHA. Short post for today, so long. Muackies to all for being so cool. Y to the A to the Y!
[/edited] Oh ya, forgot to mention that 'Send it on' By Disney stars was like the theme song, so yea we sang it. This is like the really cool part cos everyone in the theatre was like putting our hands on each others shoulders, then we were like swaying and singing. I like. Hahaha. Einson was always beside me. And he always have that gay voice. Hahaha. Joker. Ah crap!! This us another retarded post!! Just like yesterday's ): Sigh my posts are getting boring cos they're crappy. Readers, pls dot fall asleep but pls feel free to use this as your sleeping pill if you have insomnia. Lots of love!
They're a rly fun bunch of people to hang with. I'm so glad i spent 10 hours enjoying an learning with these awesome people. It's just totally cool. It was kinda a pity that I didn't join them for the group dinner @ orchard. But I'm sure we'll a meet up again sometime soon since we have each other's number/ msn and fb. 8D Pixs will be up, tmr? :) This is like a really cool post cos I used alot of cool words in it. HAHA. Short post for today, so long. Muackies to all for being so cool. Y to the A to the Y!
[/edited] Oh ya, forgot to mention that 'Send it on' By Disney stars was like the theme song, so yea we sang it. This is like the really cool part cos everyone in the theatre was like putting our hands on each others shoulders, then we were like swaying and singing. I like. Hahaha. Einson was always beside me. And he always have that gay voice. Hahaha. Joker. Ah crap!! This us another retarded post!! Just like yesterday's ): Sigh my posts are getting boring cos they're crappy. Readers, pls dot fall asleep but pls feel free to use this as your sleeping pill if you have insomnia. Lots of love!
Monday, 15 March 2010
Where are you now
Today's art was a waste of time. & i had to wash the toilets. (i think it's unfair cos only NA washed the toilets after debrief while the express people went home. fags.) Oh yea, it's true about when you take a packet of sweets out, and suddenly everyone become your friend. I felt like a sweet supplier today. HAHA. Darrel was taking my unglams during debrief ): sighs. Not attending art tomorrow. ;)
PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOING CONTENT AFTER THIS SENTENCE IS PURE RUBBISH. PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE OF NONSENSE. BYEBYE. 8D : Social interview/ Friends exposed on facebook is very entertaining. Cos you can do it over and over again nonstop. AHA, i have no life. I like to 'be a fan' of alot of things. IT'S JUST SO TRUE!! GET MY POINT. A few to mention ;
HAHAHA. Omg i realised i bold alot of things in this post. Sigh this post is so ridiculous!! Ah i'm insane. Told you i was going insane. Bye! xoxo.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT THE FOLLOING CONTENT AFTER THIS SENTENCE IS PURE RUBBISH. PLEASE LEAVE IF YOU HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE OF NONSENSE. BYEBYE. 8D : Social interview/ Friends exposed on facebook is very entertaining. Cos you can do it over and over again nonstop. AHA, i have no life. I like to 'be a fan' of alot of things. IT'S JUST SO TRUE!! GET MY POINT. A few to mention ;
DORA THE BANANA TREE IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU.YOU CALL YOURSELF AN EXPLORER (i joined this cos i think dora is stupid.) Doodling when you're suppose to be taking notes (Iluv2doodle, you should check out my school organiser) I tell a funny story. No one laughs.... IT WAS FUNNY WHEN IT HAPPENED OK?! (HAHA i feel like a complete idiot when this happens) I Can't Stand To Hear My Voice In Videos Or Recordings (i swear i sound disgusting) I did not slap your face, I simply hi fived it. (get it right, bitches) It's sad, when someone you know, becomes someone you knew. ( ): ) they should make waterproof phones so you could text in the shower (omg gr8 idea!)Thats funny. You're funny. I like you. (HAHA.) Don't you hate watching the one you like, liking someone else? (so true) Being strangers, then friends, then more than friends, then strangers again Having secret nicknames for people you hate (AHA! True ttm) Can I go to the bathroom. why didnt you go at lunch. I was eating lunch? (teachers, pls see this) i wish my friend's houses were connected to mine via secret tunnels (wow cool. i like) we might not be close again, but i won't ever forget how it used to be (luv) >Why do I become a fan of everything ? (yea why ah?) I love people who make me smile, even on my worst days :) (xoxo) why do Dora's parents just let her travel all over the place by herself..? (omg i rly detest dora)There's loads more but i'm too lazy, hehe.
HAHAHA. Omg i realised i bold alot of things in this post. Sigh this post is so ridiculous!! Ah i'm insane. Told you i was going insane. Bye! xoxo.
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Playing with fire
Hi. I'm officially black and chaoda. And sunburnt. Boohoo. I'm such a loser. My hands (especially my shoulders) and face are sunburnt. And it hurts. K it's like normal sunburnt, you know your skin starts peeling off. And I'm being paranoid spraying the cooling after sun spray after every hour like a total retard. HAHA I think I'm going crazy. But it's kinda worth it cos I love my tan, just that it's somewhat uneven. In any case, no one is to touch me tmr, especially my hands or you're gonna get a tight slap for me in the face. Sigh this process of sunburnt sucks. Why? Cos I walk like a limping robot that is going to be paralysed soon. AHA. Xavier, Regine, Debbie, Dylan, Daphne, Neikeisha, And alot more people got sunburnt HAHA. Oh ya, Meimei got sunburnt in her scalp!! O: Will upload pixs soon if i'm not lazy :>
Art workshop tmr, yawns. Meeting fiqa for lunch @ BPP. Then meeting insyirah and Munirah @ lot. ;) To end this of, I love my life suxs weekend marathon on MTV. Alrights that was totally random. HAHA. Ew rpatz is on MTV naow. And he was nominated the most handsome man in 2009 in some website?! And the site claimed he has more fan girls than Taylor lautner!? Gosh people are blind. He actually won teen choice awards too. Sigh you people need new specs. For gods sake he doesn't bathe and he isn't a clean cut guy cos he doesn't shave. Zomg gross. I'm gonna puke. I shall stop here before I get nightmares tonight. Xoxo.
Bye ;)
Art workshop tmr, yawns. Meeting fiqa for lunch @ BPP. Then meeting insyirah and Munirah @ lot. ;) To end this of, I love my life suxs weekend marathon on MTV. Alrights that was totally random. HAHA. Ew rpatz is on MTV naow. And he was nominated the most handsome man in 2009 in some website?! And the site claimed he has more fan girls than Taylor lautner!? Gosh people are blind. He actually won teen choice awards too. Sigh you people need new specs. For gods sake he doesn't bathe and he isn't a clean cut guy cos he doesn't shave. Zomg gross. I'm gonna puke. I shall stop here before I get nightmares tonight. Xoxo.
Bye ;)
Friday, 12 March 2010
Behind These Hazel Eyes
Sports carnival today, lost to 206. I sucked as the captain of 2A girls - Odd team. Thousand apologies to my group mates. Especially those that didn't have the chance to play. Sorrry ttfm. Alrights, teared together with cynthia after the match. Then munirah cried too. Group hug in the toilet, felt better ^^ I love group hugs, (Y) Sigh. It's okay we'll do better next year. It just sucks when you try your best, but it's not good enough. ): Got hit in the head twice, fucking ridiculous. Once with cynthia and the other with some 206 girl. LOL. We lost, We teared, We had group hugs, We laughed and We bonded. Best thing that we can ever get we return. ;) It's alright and It's okay yea? We'll stay strong, and nothing will blow us down. 2A 10' rock on! \m/
I shall upload pixs later! 8D
The pixs will do the talking. ;)

More @ facebook. ;)
The pixs will do the talking. ;)
More @ facebook. ;)
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Black Hole
I'm really happy cos of something today. Close ones know why. -wink-
Anyway sport carnival tmr. Weepeedeewhoppeedeewoo!! Eggcited. Soccer!! First game VS 206. O: Gonna cheer like a mad pig tmr, until I sound like a man and a pig trying to talk. Everyone in 2a shall do the same. ;) Still considering if I should wear specs during the game, hmm. I don't wanna get poked in the eye! Shall settle that tmr. I hope all that training didn't go to waste, and I wanna get something cos i didn't get anything last year. ): Oh well, bring my camera along tmr. (Y) Oh and please support me and Thahirah tmr. Cos the students council are selling light snacks + can drinks. We will be mobile promoters, so pls buy from us so we'd can rest earlier. And you'll lighten our load. HAHA. So you'd better buy something from me or you're dead meat! :P
Nothing much today, just that I was x353292022020202 happy cos of something. Did the ramly burger presentation thingy for English. I think we did kinda well even though our preparation was done on the spot. We managed find the ramly song, AHA. Plus we had this riduculous interview about the burger which benjamin exaggerated alot on. HAHA he was like "To make a satay burger, you need bread, lettuce, satay, tomato and more satay and more satay and more satay and another bread." So I asked, "How many kilos of satay he used per day?" Ben replied, "235 tonnes." HAHAHA retarded!! So cute lah Ben. Soccer prac wasn't at usual today. Headed to
mega to train cos the field was out of bounce. Tried street
soccer. Only 5 of us were there. Syafiqah, Hannah, Brian and Ruiyang. Oh not forgetting me! Was fun!! Better than the field I suppose. I hate grass. Oh yes, before I forget I shall bring bows for him tmr so he'll look pretty and distract all the guys of the other class at the match tmr. LOL.
Ok I love you all bye
Anyway sport carnival tmr. Weepeedeewhoppeedeewoo!! Eggcited. Soccer!! First game VS 206. O: Gonna cheer like a mad pig tmr, until I sound like a man and a pig trying to talk. Everyone in 2a shall do the same. ;) Still considering if I should wear specs during the game, hmm. I don't wanna get poked in the eye! Shall settle that tmr. I hope all that training didn't go to waste, and I wanna get something cos i didn't get anything last year. ): Oh well, bring my camera along tmr. (Y) Oh and please support me and Thahirah tmr. Cos the students council are selling light snacks + can drinks. We will be mobile promoters, so pls buy from us so we'd can rest earlier. And you'll lighten our load. HAHA. So you'd better buy something from me or you're dead meat! :P
Nothing much today, just that I was x353292022020202 happy cos of something. Did the ramly burger presentation thingy for English. I think we did kinda well even though our preparation was done on the spot. We managed find the ramly song, AHA. Plus we had this riduculous interview about the burger which benjamin exaggerated alot on. HAHA he was like "To make a satay burger, you need bread, lettuce, satay, tomato and more satay and more satay and more satay and another bread." So I asked, "How many kilos of satay he used per day?" Ben replied, "235 tonnes." HAHAHA retarded!! So cute lah Ben. Soccer prac wasn't at usual today. Headed to
mega to train cos the field was out of bounce. Tried street
soccer. Only 5 of us were there. Syafiqah, Hannah, Brian and Ruiyang. Oh not forgetting me! Was fun!! Better than the field I suppose. I hate grass. Oh yes, before I forget I shall bring bows for him tmr so he'll look pretty and distract all the guys of the other class at the match tmr. LOL.
Ok I love you all bye
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Cowboy Casanova
Happpy birthday, Jiapei!
As predicted, today is gonna suck. And it did! >: Got owned by alot of people, hate it ttm. Mood = Sucky. Doodled on organiser all day long. Sigh i have no life. HAHA. Rly retarded. Fire drill today, (Y) Skipped at least 20 mins of chem. AHA
FTCME today? Got owned deep deep. Sigh. Clique and close ones get what i mean. :P Quite a number of people asked why is so sad. AHA. Especially Brian. I think he asked me at least three times. AHA. Loco daddy so concerned about his crazy daughter. HAHA. Byt srsly, what's wrong! I wasn't sad. O:
Had fun at the mass workout thingy! Was rly enthu with Janet and clique. Hmm maybe not entire clique. Just thahirah and stephanie. :) Went up on stage with class without knowing the steps. K retard. Omg. Janet and i were the first on the stage. ^^ (Please praise me if anyone/ anybody sees this. ) :D I dunno if i made a fool of myself on stage, sigh. HAHA. Had alot of fun even tho i didn't know what i was doing. Sang insomnia and danced with it. AHA. Fun fun fun.
Gonna get owned tmr. English proj undone, fml.
Tomorrow is gonna be a better day, yes? ;)
Cya around, love.
[/edited @ 7.02pm.] Sigh just got owned again, by senior. Yawns. Today rly suck. Everyone looks at me on the negative side. Doesn't notice my positive? It's so irritating to tolerate these nonsense! It's not my fault so why am I the ones to blame? It's not my fault that I wasn't chosen to be in the production team. It's not like as if I pulled out of it. Thing is? I wasn't given a chance to participate so don't say that I'm slacking. I'm merely joining the sec ones. And to think I actually joined the freshmen? Quite a disgrace? Fancy a sec two joining your juniors? Noob cake. Sexayyes are just a little over hyper, just a little over talkative. But eventually we get out work done. We don't play around and not get things done you know. Why can't you people put yourself in our shoes. It's not my fault that you guys have deprived childhoods and didn't get a chance to talk and get hyper with your friends. It's not my fault that you don't have friends and it's not my fault that you are a loner! Stop blaming us for all that crap. Just cos a freshmen say something about us, it's our fault. Did you see thugs from our point of view? I bet not until we told you about it right. So don't sharf things in my face like this and cut all that crap. Done bitching my thoughts here. Bye.
As predicted, today is gonna suck. And it did! >: Got owned by alot of people, hate it ttm. Mood = Sucky. Doodled on organiser all day long. Sigh i have no life. HAHA. Rly retarded. Fire drill today, (Y) Skipped at least 20 mins of chem. AHA
FTCME today? Got owned deep deep. Sigh. Clique and close ones get what i mean. :P Quite a number of people asked why is so sad. AHA. Especially Brian. I think he asked me at least three times. AHA. Loco daddy so concerned about his crazy daughter. HAHA. Byt srsly, what's wrong! I wasn't sad. O:
Had fun at the mass workout thingy! Was rly enthu with Janet and clique. Hmm maybe not entire clique. Just thahirah and stephanie. :) Went up on stage with class without knowing the steps. K retard. Omg. Janet and i were the first on the stage. ^^ (Please praise me if anyone/ anybody sees this. ) :D I dunno if i made a fool of myself on stage, sigh. HAHA. Had alot of fun even tho i didn't know what i was doing. Sang insomnia and danced with it. AHA. Fun fun fun.
Gonna get owned tmr. English proj undone, fml.
Tomorrow is gonna be a better day, yes? ;)
Cya around, love.
[/edited @ 7.02pm.] Sigh just got owned again, by senior. Yawns. Today rly suck. Everyone looks at me on the negative side. Doesn't notice my positive? It's so irritating to tolerate these nonsense! It's not my fault so why am I the ones to blame? It's not my fault that I wasn't chosen to be in the production team. It's not like as if I pulled out of it. Thing is? I wasn't given a chance to participate so don't say that I'm slacking. I'm merely joining the sec ones. And to think I actually joined the freshmen? Quite a disgrace? Fancy a sec two joining your juniors? Noob cake. Sexayyes are just a little over hyper, just a little over talkative. But eventually we get out work done. We don't play around and not get things done you know. Why can't you people put yourself in our shoes. It's not my fault that you guys have deprived childhoods and didn't get a chance to talk and get hyper with your friends. It's not my fault that you don't have friends and it's not my fault that you are a loner! Stop blaming us for all that crap. Just cos a freshmen say something about us, it's our fault. Did you see thugs from our point of view? I bet not until we told you about it right. So don't sharf things in my face like this and cut all that crap. Done bitching my thoughts here. Bye.
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
One Love
I know i've said this alot of times, but soccer today was fun! It was somewhat tiring tho. But still had fun. Didn't play for a rly long time. Stopped at about 3. And the sun was like burning my ass when I sat on the concrete floor at the side of the field!! Almost got hit by the ball in the head, thrice. Wow what luck I have. AHA. Once by brian, firrian and marzuq respectively. Was a real close shave. No match today as there weren't enough people. Hopefully tmr. Playing VS boys. We're bound to lose but it's alright. It's the fun that counts. Headed to lot with munirah, syafiqah, thahirah, brian and shukery after soccer. Then bused home.
English lesson today was rly slack!! Omg we were chatting like throughout and msteoh didn't care! O_O And Brian was rly annoying, zz. He kept pressing the keyboard. Like as if he spasm or something. I was so annoyed. He opened my msn chat and clicked on my mum's msn! Then he was like writing nonsense on it. HAHA. Ridiculous right! Stupid loco daddy. Ben was so cute lah, thahirah was rly high. HAHA.
Oh right and did I mention I passed the level attire check today? HAHA. Praise me somebody! 8D K and as of tmr, I'm gonna be lonely. EFL tmr for most. Ok for St theresa's. Four days of EFL = Four days of being alone. Who's gonna entertain me on msn/ facebook/ Twitter and SMS!?? Omg fml. Sigh I'm such a loser. O:
I hate tmr's timetable, k bye!
English lesson today was rly slack!! Omg we were chatting like throughout and msteoh didn't care! O_O And Brian was rly annoying, zz. He kept pressing the keyboard. Like as if he spasm or something. I was so annoyed. He opened my msn chat and clicked on my mum's msn! Then he was like writing nonsense on it. HAHA. Ridiculous right! Stupid loco daddy. Ben was so cute lah, thahirah was rly high. HAHA.
Oh right and did I mention I passed the level attire check today? HAHA. Praise me somebody! 8D K and as of tmr, I'm gonna be lonely. EFL tmr for most. Ok for St theresa's. Four days of EFL = Four days of being alone. Who's gonna entertain me on msn/ facebook/ Twitter and SMS!?? Omg fml. Sigh I'm such a loser. O:
I hate tmr's timetable, k bye!
Monday, 8 March 2010
The only exception
Soccer prac today ftw!! It's so fun. I always feel good after soccer. Cos i feel that i lose fats all the time. Love it. HAHA. I hate my fats. But soccer prac is rly good cos it's a form of exercise. Suits fat people like me best, (Y) K anyway used syafiqah's sunblock today before prac. HAHA. The sun was rly strong! Brought my towel and all. Matching ones with Thahirah! ^^ Ran like crazy, screaming here and there. Flying soccer balls everywhere, zz. A few more days of practice to sports carnival!! Eggcited.
Attire checks anytime soon, maybe tmr. O: I'm in need of high socks. I only have ankle socks. Cfm die if i wear them to school. LOL. Anyone has spare to lend? :P AHA. Alrights conrad son got caught for attire today. HAHA. D&T tmr! >: Yucks hate it lah! Oh talking about d&t i should go do my ipw research now! Wish me all the best k, xoxo.
Hey cheese! You can help me by helping this apple here to think! O_O (inside joke.)
Cya around lovelies.
Attire checks anytime soon, maybe tmr. O: I'm in need of high socks. I only have ankle socks. Cfm die if i wear them to school. LOL. Anyone has spare to lend? :P AHA. Alrights conrad son got caught for attire today. HAHA. D&T tmr! >: Yucks hate it lah! Oh talking about d&t i should go do my ipw research now! Wish me all the best k, xoxo.
Hey cheese! You can help me by helping this apple here to think! O_O (inside joke.)
Cya around lovelies.
Sunday, 7 March 2010

Happy birthday, thahirah sugar!
May you grow more white hair + wrinkles! I buy you Vitamin B-50 when the time comes. (Same goes for daddy) LOL. Love you. Hope you like your present!! 8D Oh i will pass you your present tmr. -winks- ;)
Happy birthday to Pinwei and Shukery too! :)
Alice in the wonderland is nice. O: Watched it yesterday in 3D. Woo! School tmr, fml. Hate tmr's timetable alot. #$^%$&^%&??!#@!% Ipw, omg. Darrel is freaking me out! Stop hurrying me! Zz. You're making me panic!!! Zz. Where's munirah when i need her. She's not answering my calls and Darrel is freaking me out. K i'm freaking myself out. There's ipw tmr and my group haven't done our research. Fml.): On the brighter note, there's soccer prac after school! \m/ YAY!! Eggciting. Sigh sports carnival on frid! I so needa learn soccer asap!! I wanna win! K bye!
Friday, 5 March 2010
Rockstar 101
TGIF! Today was fun! Soccer was very entertaining. Played with thahirah, syafiqah, brian, darrel, benjamin, jiahao and yi an. I felt so good. Like as if i lost a gazillion pounds or something. HAHA, I turned tanner. Which i hope is a good thing. I love how ben play soccer, like so cute la. He's so blur. And he carries his bottle while playing soccer and he pours the water out like after every five minutes? Cute much! :) HAHA. Honestly, i can't dribble the ball. Ok pathetic. The best part of soccer today? We get to aim at the guys bag and we get points for it. ;) HAHA ben and darrel got hit by me. Sorry. :P HAHA. Laughed quite abit while playing. I think we had a few cases of flying shoes instead of flying soccer balls. AHAHAHA. Syafiqah, Ben and Yian's shoe flew away from their soles, cool much? HAHAHA. I wanna play it next week again!! :D (Y) I can lose weight./ ^^ Did i mention i hate my house tee. I dont ike yellow, i really don't like yellow. Yes, i'm in the famous yellow yellow dirty fellow house. HAHA, its rly translucent. D: Sigh.
"Hey hey orange" is stuck in my head. Thank you, Darrel for asking me to watch the video. LOL. I hate the annoying orange, why doesn't it ever die. It's so annoying!! Omg see? it's stuck in my head. Great shit. I think im gonna get a nightmare tonight. It's gonna be Darrel Tan Wee Kiat's fault! D:
Oh ya, i just remembered. I've decided to buy vitamin b pills for brian loco wong for his 15th birthday. -does that thumbs up thingy- HAHA! It's gna help cos i bet he is gonna ge wrinkles and white hair next year! :P Yay, so anyone wanna chip in? :)
Crap, annoying orange is stuck in my head! Tsk. Cynthia's birthday in about 2 hours!! :D
"Hey hey orange" is stuck in my head. Thank you, Darrel for asking me to watch the video. LOL. I hate the annoying orange, why doesn't it ever die. It's so annoying!! Omg see? it's stuck in my head. Great shit. I think im gonna get a nightmare tonight. It's gonna be Darrel Tan Wee Kiat's fault! D:
Oh ya, i just remembered. I've decided to buy vitamin b pills for brian loco wong for his 15th birthday. -does that thumbs up thingy- HAHA! It's gna help cos i bet he is gonna ge wrinkles and white hair next year! :P Yay, so anyone wanna chip in? :)
Crap, annoying orange is stuck in my head! Tsk. Cynthia's birthday in about 2 hours!! :D
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Welcome to the black parade
Happy birthday Nicole Lim Dearest and Naganesh! ;)
Today was awesome. Was relatively good cos I was rly glad that I passed my 2.4 run. (Y) PE was rly tough, zz. And embarassing!! We did one set of push ups on the pathway outside school cos Tom chan didnt want us to waste any time. Gross much! Rly rly embarassing! There were buses/ taxis/ cars/ bicycles and humans that passed by! Ugh thank god I didn't see anyone I know. -.- Everyone in clique plugged in our earpieces. HAHA. Then everyone went. "Whoa you all so pro ah." L to the O to the L. ;) Inclined pull ups/ standing broad jump plus shuttle run at bbal court near this void deck nearby. O:
After school, stayed back to do abit of d&t. Then munirah went to look for darrel. HAHA. She wanted to borrow 2 bucks. End up going down to field looking for Brian and co. -.- Syafiqah took darrel's water bottle and he didn't realise HAHA stupid. Like after 5 minutes then he realise that his bottle was missing He started chasing us round the field. Hahaha, so retarded. Then Timothy came to extra. X174793392992 retarded. Gross out. Kept hiding the bottle. End up, it was in the girls toilet. ^^ Yeah and who got it? Timothy. He went in the girls toilet to take it. Great. He spoilt the game. Yay, zz. Bused home after that. Bye! ;)
Today was awesome. Was relatively good cos I was rly glad that I passed my 2.4 run. (Y) PE was rly tough, zz. And embarassing!! We did one set of push ups on the pathway outside school cos Tom chan didnt want us to waste any time. Gross much! Rly rly embarassing! There were buses/ taxis/ cars/ bicycles and humans that passed by! Ugh thank god I didn't see anyone I know. -.- Everyone in clique plugged in our earpieces. HAHA. Then everyone went. "Whoa you all so pro ah." L to the O to the L. ;) Inclined pull ups/ standing broad jump plus shuttle run at bbal court near this void deck nearby. O:
After school, stayed back to do abit of d&t. Then munirah went to look for darrel. HAHA. She wanted to borrow 2 bucks. End up going down to field looking for Brian and co. -.- Syafiqah took darrel's water bottle and he didn't realise HAHA stupid. Like after 5 minutes then he realise that his bottle was missing He started chasing us round the field. Hahaha, so retarded. Then Timothy came to extra. X174793392992 retarded. Gross out. Kept hiding the bottle. End up, it was in the girls toilet. ^^ Yeah and who got it? Timothy. He went in the girls toilet to take it. Great. He spoilt the game. Yay, zz. Bused home after that. Bye! ;)
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Whataya want from me
"To let go isn’t to forget, not to think about, or ignore. It doesn’t leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret. Letting go isn’t about winning or losing. It’s not about pride and it’s not about how you appear, and it’s not obsessing or dwelling on the past. Letting go isn’t blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts, and doesn’t leave emptiness, hurt, or sadness. It’s not about giving in or giving up. Letting go isn’t about loss and it’s not about defeat. To let go is to cherish the memories, but to overcome and move on. It is having an open mind confidence in the future. Letting go is learning and experiencing and growing. To let go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow. It’s about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain. Letting go is having the courage to accept change, and the strength to keep moving. Letting go is growing up."
Just to lengthen the post. HAHA. Kk love you all muackies for all since you're so lovely to read all my bull and cow shit crap. :) Ops and ya, I forgot to mention, MATH IS SOCIAL SUICIDE. Hahaha, math nerds, please make me love math just like how you do . ;) Bye! O:
Just to lengthen the post. HAHA. Kk love you all muackies for all since you're so lovely to read all my bull and cow shit crap. :) Ops and ya, I forgot to mention, MATH IS SOCIAL SUICIDE. Hahaha, math nerds, please make me love math just like how you do . ;) Bye! O:
Monday, 1 March 2010
Alright, so here goes. I failed my chinese. Expected. So yep this kinda sucks. Mood kinda bad these days. Don't know why. Ugh I h8 Photoshop. I feel like stabbing a knife in my heart whenever I do Photoshop. My heart always boils whenever I use Photoshop! :P. Yeah I'm in infocomm, so? I don't pay attention when they have courses on such! I doodle my way thru. K. It's true. So I'd never volunteer when teacher asks who is from infocomm. HAHA.
There's art tmr. FML. My Photoshop for art is incomplete cos I'd gave up on it. It's lagging my com. Sickening. Sigh I shall go watch parishilton-my new bff later! Uh this sucks even more. This post it x52825227292920 bullshit. K crap. This should be placed infront. But I'm lazy to type it again. HAHA to those that have read til here, kudos to you! Cya around humanoids! :)
There's art tmr. FML. My Photoshop for art is incomplete cos I'd gave up on it. It's lagging my com. Sickening. Sigh I shall go watch parishilton-my new bff later! Uh this sucks even more. This post it x52825227292920 bullshit. K crap. This should be placed infront. But I'm lazy to type it again. HAHA to those that have read til here, kudos to you! Cya around humanoids! :)
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