"Catelynn Lowell is a junior in high school, living in Algonac, Michigan. She and her boyfriend of 3 years, Tyler Baltierra, discover that she is pregnant. Neither of them feel that their living conditions are suitable for a new child, so they decide to look into adoption, going against their parents' wishes. They settle on a couple, Brandon and Teresa, and bond with them quickly. On May 18, 2009, Catelynn gives birth to a baby girl, who is named Carolynn Elizabeth (Carly for short) by her adoptive parents. Although not initially wanting to meet the baby, Tyler and Catelynn decide that they would like to see Carly before her adoptive parents do. After meeting their daughter, Brandon and Teresa promise to keep in touch with Catelynn and Tyler throughout the years of Carly's life. When it is time to sign the adoption papers, Catelynn's mother April refuses, forcing the official handover to take place off hospital grounds. Catelynn and Tyler say that the adoption was the hardest thing they had ever had to do, but the result has brought them closer together, and they know they made the right decision for Carly." P.S:/ I actually cried when i watch them give up carly, it's just saddening!! wait til you read tyler and catelynn's letter to carly. ):

Catelynn's letter to Carly.
"Dear Carly,
From the moment I knew you were coming into this world, I loved you. Tyler and I were not sure what we were going to do at first. We both wanted to keep you and love on you forever, but we were not sure that was the best thing for you.
When I was four months pregnant, Tyler and I decided on adoption. We believe it was the best decision for you at the time in our lives. Tyler and I were both just 17 years old and inexperienced in life itself.
Hunnie, I had a hard childhood with my mother, moving all the time. She had different boyfriends coming and going in and out of my life. When it came to her children or her boyfriends, she always picked her boyfriends. I was the oldest at my house and I had a little sister and a little brother. I pretty much raised my brother until he was three years old. So it’s kind of like I was a mom for three years. I didn’t want you to be around my family smoking and swearing. I wanted what was best for you!! I knew I could not provide for you at my age, even though I wish I could of and I wish I could be your mom, but at what cost? For you to be raised how I have been raised? No! I did not want you to go through all of the same stuff I have been put through my whole life.
The first time I met your mom and dad, I knew they were the right parents for you. It was an amazing feeling. They love you so much and they will always be there for you no matter what you do in life. I wish I could have had the same.
I didn’t have support from my family, even my mom, to make an adoption plan for you. But I didn’t care. Carly, I love you soooo much that I gave you to your mom and dad so you would have an amazing life, and have a chance in this world. I always wonder what you will think in the future, like why did I do what I did. Carly, I was 16, I had no job, no way to support myself furthermore ... How could I support a child? Of course I wanted to be your mother, I just didn’t want you to be punished for my decisions.
I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday; you were perfect and looked just like Tyler as an infant, but as you get older you look more and more like me! You were born on May 18th at 10:39 am 7lbs, 4 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long. I held on to you for hours while Tyler and I told you how much we loved you and that you meant the world to us. I remember you hearing my voice for the first time and you looked up at me, it was like you were really listening to us. We cried, laughed and never wanted that moment to end. When we first saw you all we could do was stare, you were gorgeous. Then the day came when Tyler and I had to hand you off to your mom and dad. It was the worst but best day of my life. We both held on to you crying for an hour straight. We didn’t want to let you go but we knew we had to. That was the hardest thing we have ever had to do. We wanted to be able to raise you, but when you have children you have to make sacrifices for them, and I think ours was the hardest sacrifice of all.
Carly please do not think that I don’t think about you. There’s not a day that you don’t pass my mind. It sucks because I have to miss out on so much in your life, like you growing and becoming the beautiful woman I know you will be. I’m not there for your first steps, or your first words. That saddens me but I know it will be ok, that those are some of my sacrifices for you. I will always be here for you, too, and I believe and pray that one day Tyler, you, and I will have a wonderful relationship. Just always remember that I LOVE YOU! Even though I’m not always there, I’m always in your heart and you're in mine. Just like our bracelets! I love you Carly and I hope you always know that.
Love Always and Forever,

Tyler's letter to Carly.
"To My Little Girl,
First off, I want to tell you I love you so much. Words could never explain the love a father has for his daughter. I know I'm not with you right now but I am in your heart always.
You came into this world as an unsuspected surprise of joy. When your mom and I found out that she was pregnant with you, we didn't know what we were going to do. We were so young and inexperienced in life yet. After thinking and thinking and thinking we came to the decision that adoption was the best choice for you. We knew that's what we needed to do in order for you to have the best life.
I love you so much, sweetheart. I actually love u so much where I can detach myself from you to give you a better life. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy for your mom or me. I believe that as a parent you have to make sacrifices for your children, and losing you was my sacrifice; my emotional distress was my sacrifice, and not having you in my life was my sacrifice. I only did it to deliver with the absolute best that I could, for you and you only.
The moment I found out you were going to be brought into this world you became exactly that ... my world. Me and your mom were very young and knew that you didn't deserve to be raised and brought into our unstable lives -- it's just not fair to you, and that's all I ever think about is you. Honey, you are my strength through this, you have no clue how hard this is to give you away. I knew from the start that this would be the best for you. I know it sounds crazy that it would be hard as a parent to give their child the best, but when you are a parent and giving your child the best includes not having your child it becomes the most important and hardest decision.
This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. The thought of what kind of dad I wanted to be and what you deserve just didn't mix. It's very hard to admit that you don't deserve me as your dad, but that comes with maturity and you have to be mature to be a parent. You were innocent. You didn't ask to be brought into this world and you didn't choose your parents. Your mom and me made an irresponsible mistake not using protection. I will not punish you for that.
My little baby girl, you are everything to me and so much more. That's why I gave you the parents you deserve. I just want you to know that you were my first and I will always love you no matter what. I think about you everyday. You are everything to me. I don't EVER, EVER want you to think I didn't want you. I would have loved to keep you and squeeze you everyday and see that beautiful face every morning. I would have loved to let you ride on my back and be that little pony you always wanted ... but it wasn't about what I wanted. It was about you and what was best for you.
I know I missed out on a lot of things in your life, but you will always be a part of my heart and you will always be my little girl. If and whenever you miss me, just put your hand over your heart and count those beats ... I am in every one of them forever. You will never be alone in this world and don't ever forget that. I love you forever, that's why I picked out that special word on the back your blanket that you will never go away, baby girl. You're my heart, my air, my soul and my spirit. You are every breath I take and every beat in my heart ... without you I wouldn't be able to live. I will always love you ... you are in my thoughts every day.
Your Daddy"
It's a total tearjerker, cos you see, Tyler was such a jerk. But at least he stayed with Catelynn thru it all. And end up being her husband and being hers forever. Unlike the other bastards that left other teen moms, on the show. _|_ I don't know if it's just me, but i think Tyler deserves a standing ovation. All guys should be like Tyler ;)
And a picture to end this off, Carly with her Adoptive parents ;)

Aww how sweet!! But srsly, i think Tyler and Catelynn would make the family more complete.

I also found their People's magazine interview. HAHA. I think the full story is in it. (click to enlarge)

Infocomm camp tmr. Haven't packed. Gosh. Will be back on saturday, ;)
xoxo, <3
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