Happy birthday, Dino. 8D
Okay so these few days having been hanging out with Janet, Celine, Cynthia, Yujun and of course Ringring!! 8) So yeap, Yesterday after school, headed to Janet's house with Celine, Cynthia and Yujun to pass her her geog worksheet. OH YA AND THEN YUJUN MADE US WALK ONE BIG ROUND UNDER THE SCORCHING HOT SUN ON THE WAY TO JANET'S HOUSE!! >: Celine and i was like super scared of her dog, laughs. Thanks for the ribena and kokocrunch janet ^^ Headed home soon after, thunder, lightning and rain came when we left. Xiasuey. Zz. Our skirts were like all flying and we had to run for shelter. Ridiculous, but fun. LOL.
English lesson was so fun today, had fun talking in the american accent with syafiqah and celine. I went around telling people i'm from Boston, United States Whereas Celine and Fiqa was from Atlanta, Canada. Cynthia is from China (LOL) And of course ringring's from Seoul, Korea. Yujun was damn irritated by our accent. MAUAHAHAHAHA. ~ Today, had to stay back to do chinese compo. Yujun and Cynthia waited for meeeeeeeee. Hehe aww sweet!! Finished compo, went to find Darrel and Brian. Then walked to lot with Syafiqah, Cynthia, Yujun, Darrel, Brian and Jiahao. Syafiqah and the guys went to Pinwei's house. Didn't go, cos cynthia and yujun didn't go. HAHA. Heard they had ike alot of fun there!! (Read fiqa's blog) Okay yeah they had wii, so i'm jealous >: Bye!
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