Hello everyone i'm back from camp, i'm so lazy to elaborate on the camp cos honestly it's the worst camp ever. Seriously. But i had great fun with Celine, Jiahao and Kappo!! (P.S:/ Kappo is ruiyang lol) Apparently group 5 and 6, sorta merged so fivesix is born!! (Y) Butter hill was awesome, totally soaked in detergent, -.- Groxx. Celine skipped this game, but i played. Agnes, Jiahao, Irfan and i got totally soaked. Ugh i felt like a bar soap, so soapy. Totally unglam. Some more other people from 2A, saw my unglam state. *shy shy*
Dinner was disgusting, gave it a skip. Didn't even wna eat one mouth, then headed for shower with Celine and Agnes. Waiting was horrible!! I think we waiting for about 1 hour to bathe! Gosh, brian and timothy WENT OUT OF CAMPUS with their instructor to take a bath, and went they were back, i was like still queueing!! Got made fun of by em. >:
After that, headed for campfire. Everyone looked different in their home clothes + their hair down, keke. 8) Campfire was cool, except for the irritating grass and ants. ): Jiahao got bitten by the ants like alot of times, guess he sat on the entire army of them lololol. I think our performance was embarassing ): We did that JJlin thingy, yknow the YOG theme song crap. I dont like JJlin!! >: How retarded, "Oh yeah oh yeah blablablabla~" Faggot!
Oh yea, Jervis proposed the group name as BIG (Bieber is gay) I swear Celine and my blood pressure was boiling >: Stupid, but cos of us, beiber's fans, that name was objected, thus, fivesix. Finally got to rest after campfire, happy happy. We were lucky to get a bed to bunk in. Bunk in for the night with Celine. We both knocked out rly fast despite all the talking/ shouting in da room. HAHAHA got woken up by 5.50 by the people outside!! And then when we turned, People went like "Annemarie annemarie, Celine celine!!" *Looks at Joey, Yujun, Janet and co.* Walao, it's like 5.50 in the morn!! I planned to wake up at 6.20! My thirty mins of sleep ~~ Apparently people woke up at 3. -.-
Washed up, tied hair, lazed ard at yujun's bunk. HAHAHA reported for mph. Thanks to the rain, Physical training got cancelled! :P :P :P Sat in the mph for like damn long, talked to celine (duh), brian and timothy. My butt hurt throughout the camp!! ): ): ): Cleaned up the place, sang songs lalalala, THEN THE EXCITING PART IS HERE,
WE GOT TO GO HOME! (Y) *Squeals, run to bus* 8)
Totally died on the bus, its like i got knocked out or something. One minute i was at pasirris, next minute, Celine wakes me up and we're at bpgh. LOLOLOL. Dramatic, but true! Waited for clique + guys. Walked to lot, then ate at macs with tsering, stephanie, syafiqah, brian, jiahao, marzuq, firrian, ruiyang and darrel. Brian ate 3 mcchicken. (See this is the result of the horrible food the camp provided) LOLOLOL. Tsering and Stephanie and i parted ways, bused back with Jiahao and Brian. ANYWAY IT'S FEELS SO AWESOME + GOOD TO BE HOME. LOVE DA BEDZZZZZZ BAI.
/edit I ust remembered, WHERE'S THE PEANUT!! Lol did the where' the peanut thing with brian on msn, ridiculous stuff. The question can go on foreveaaaa.