First off, Happy belated 2nd Shineeversary :) :) :) Didnt get to blog yesterday. Ok thats an excuse. Was rather occupied with nonsensical stuffs, like talking to Tsering for close to two hours!! HAHAHA . Yeap i kinda not wanna blog about it anymore (even tho i said i will). Too lazy hahaha. Ah blingbling is so hot. ^^

Okay how come some people have such big nostrils?!?!? Donbt ask whuts up with me and nostrils. It's an inside joke kekeke. Today headed to lot with class, 2B and 2C to catch Iron Man. Didnt get the movie, boring.~~~~ Instead, Tsering and i shared 7up, popcorns and mp3 lol. Oh yeah we did alot of popcorn throwing :P :P So fun!! We had to self entertain ourselves for 2 hours righs?!? End up, there was this guy in the film who has like major and freaking big nostrils!! Damn hilarious! Tsering and i laughed like some crazy people at the back, then people turned and stared :P Oh yea did i mention we were lucky and we got the very last row?! :) :) Okay back to where i stopped, i swear i laughed til i almost pee-ed on muah pants! HAHAHA and i was afraid to go to the washroom. Lol. Serious his nostrils = HUGE.

Ok so students investiture was today, everything went smoothly, passed my attire check kekekke ^^ HAHAHA didnt get to catch a glimpse of everyone since i was sitting at the third row ): Walking down the red carpet was scary, i didnt like the feeling of it. Weird much. I was totally just concentrating, making sure i dont fall and make a fool of myself hahahah :P Ok overall investiture was fun and i wanna do it again! :) im lazy to continue, gonna call ring ring nao!! Bye! :)
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