LUCIFER LUCIFER LUCIFER AND HELL YEAH IT'S SHINEE!! Hahaha i'm a happy girlz today cuz i printed out my pixz at lot with ring and stephanie after school!! Finally hehehehe. Keke and cuz i'm the 321st to see SHINee's comeback teaser!! Hooray! Happy happy. I luv SM!! Jonghyun's sexy back in the teaser is like fuuuuuu hot. I love you baby! Sexy back ~~~~ I'm really getting used to Key's hair or rather the new concept. Honestly, i was really against it last weekend when i saw the comeback teaser pixz. And i was like whut kinda concept is this?! Water, Trees, Mud, Um nature concept (Supposedly, earth elements) ?!?! But looking at the music video, it's rather good!! So i dont see why people are complaining all over the net in tumblr facebook twitter and livejournal about it. Its bleddy damn cool. Get over it. Onew is still as dubulicious as ever and for once, Taemin looks hot. But keke, he still rank fourth. Hehehe and wazzzzzzup with minho's face at the start. It totally cracked me up kekeke. So funny. I WANNA BUY THE NEW ALBUM!!! @$%$#&$*^%^(@#%#$%&* AHDJDIVDOVJKFHKGUNRHDDSFJCVBHCNJKFJGHJFOEGINSCMPFWBOVNVOBNPCWVBGOWNPPWBGOEVNPBEOVERHFDJKJF I CAN WATCH THE TEASER ALL DAY LONG AND NOT GET TIRED OF IT. Cant wait for the full music video to be released!!
They're gonna be on mubank on the 23rd, and i'm quite sure alot of people will be skipping BP's 50th anniversary celebrations in the afternoon to catch mubank!! Ugh. Screw the school!! Why why why! ): Maybe i should follow suit too, nah i'm kidding ~ Seriously .



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