생일축하합니다, Joanna sis!! 사랑합니다!!

Happy birthday sis. You've turned fourteen on a really special day - SHINee's comeback stage. It's your best birthday gift right!! I'm sorry i cannot fulfil your wish - Bringing onew to you. Hehehehe. And um i dont wanna write my heartfelt thoughts here cuz i alr wrote you a super long love letter. Kekeke in short, thx for being always there for me no matter what. Despite our differences, our different time schedules etc. Thanks for being so understanding. I may not be the best sis you have, but you know i love you and i'm always here for you right!! XOXO. Hwaiting!! ~
// Happy belated birthday, bp! I got myself a red visor, i swear it's super boomz and it's really naise. ^^
Dang i bought new rings today. Love, Hope and Faith rings. Luv it. Umma spent a bomb on me at cotton on and daiso. Oh, i bought a blackboard with all the differect coloured chalks. It's so fun!! I shall bring it to school one day and let the other's play with it. :) :)
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