Wtfomglobbyyayhehekekdejbv. Okay you guys have no idea how happy i am right now. My 11:11 came true like after so long. :') 'Boyfriend' finally notices me okay happybeans hehe yay i swear i can't sleep tonight already. Finally something that cheered me up after so long! Bb not coming for kpn/ Bb dating shin sekyung~ Argh ok i'll talk about that later. Anyway he talked to me first << this iz really important omg so meanighful aigo omo. ;__; And the way he talk iz sho QT la. Tsering knows keke. Ask me personally and i'll tell you hehe! Ah so precious omg so happy right now. Okay but i hate myself rn, whai did i say bye?!?!?!?! Whai did i have to end the conversation argh fml. /stabs self /crying forever. Okay anyway i'm very happy and i won't be able to sleep tonight for sure. :') Plus i'm gonna have uppersec recess next year which also means the same recess slot as 'boyfriend' yezzzzzzz.

"Jonghyunbb and Shin Sekyung dating~"
Okay honestly so many of you ask my whai i ship jongkyung. And yezz, I ship jongkyung <3 I mean what's the point of hating her lmao? I mean she didn't do anything wrong. Falling in love with Jonghyun isn't a crime and if he likes her back, It's love. Jonghyun iz a human too right? He has the right to love like all of us. As long as she makes him happy makes him laugh, and he iz happy. I am happy. :') I did hate her for like 10 mins. But i later realised that it isn't her fault and it's totally immature to bash her. SHe closed her cyworld and Jonghyun fansites are closing down. /rage I don't understand whai either. In a point like this, I choose to support jongkyung as well as Jonghyun. Anti's should just stfu and get lost. Like i said: If bb iz happy, Blingers will be happy. :') Just get over it seriously. Rumours are saying that this iz a publicity stunt? So be it. As far as i hope it is, I still support bb and jongkyung no matter whut. I don't even.. argh bishes gon' hate.

Oh well, I remember i once posted this on my tumblr. And it'z cool how soon i can get to use it: This is to you Shin Sekyung.
Do make him a happy man or blingers out there, well me for instance, will cut you. And i'll 11:11 that you fall off a cliff and hit sharp rocks and roll down into the sea and that sharts will rip you to bits.. If you ever hurt my bb. :')
I love you bb. Be a happy man okie doks^^
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